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09/20/1978 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
09/20/1978 P&Z Minutes
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9/29/2017 2:56:04 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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Page -2- September 20, 1978 <br />Variance - Ronald Van Kleek <br />Mr. Van Kleek had presented a variance request to transfer title on a piece <br />of property less than 24 acres in size. <br />Mr. McLean asked Mr. Van Kleek if he had any comments on Mr. Dobie's state- <br />ments regarding his property. Mr. Van Kleek said, No., not really, he now <br />owns the five acres and wants a variance to split it so it can be sold. <br />Mr. Gourley noted that the legal description was not correct, it encompassed <br />the entire five acres rather than describing two separate parcels. <br />Mr. McLean noted that this was an ideal opportunity to divide the five acres <br />into 1% acre lots. Mr. Dobie agreed this was ideal for this property. <br />Mr. Van Kleek asked to withdraw his variance request and said he would submit <br />a plat. <br />Variance - Harry Hughes <br />Mr. Hughes has requested a variance to combine a parcel of land 50' x 135° <br />with a parcel he already owns. Mr. Bohjanen moved to recommend that Council <br />approve this variance. Mr. Reinert seconded the motion. Motion declared <br />passed. <br />Variance - James Spears <br />Mr. Spears requested a variance to keep a fence he has already constructed <br />that is more than 34' in height from the rear of his house to the street right <br />of way and has less than the 30% free air space. <br />Mr. Spears said this fence was constructed for privacy and to keep unwanted <br />neighbos and animals off of his property. <br />Mr. Gourley explained that the Board has never approved a variance for a fence <br />over 34' in height from the rear of the house to the street right of way. The <br />Board would have to be consistant and deny this variance. <br />Mr. Spears felt the ordinance was unfair and he did have the approval of the <br />adjoining landowners. <br />Mr. Mattson explained that if this Board denied the variance Mr. Spears could <br />go to his elected officials for added help. <br />Mrs. Schwankl asked if a variance for a chain link fence in the front of the <br />house could be granted? She was told it could be no higher than 34 feet. <br />Mr. McLean suggested a variance could be granted for a 6' high fence from <br />the front of the house to the rear of the house with 30% air space. This was <br />discussed with Mr. Spears. <br />Mrs. Schwankl moved to recommend to Council that a variance be granted for a <br />6' high fence from the front of Mrs. Spears house to the rear of the houseand <br />that the entire fence have 30% air space. Mr. Bohjanen seconded the motion. <br />Motion declared passed. <br />
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