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07/19/1978 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
07/19/1978 P&Z Minutes
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9/29/2017 2:58:43 PM
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9/29/2017 12:25:58 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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-Page One- July 19, 1978 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was opened by Chairman Gourley <br />at 8:05 P.M. He explained that the Board would wait with the official business until a <br />quorum arrived. <br />Mr. McLeans Report <br />Mr. r cLean noted items from the Planning and Zoning Board which were dealt with at the July <br />TO, 1978 Council meeting. Pyles 1st Addition hearing was postpondd until July 24, 1978. <br />The Cothncil told Mr. Scherer his Special Use Permit would be issued when a letter is received <br />from Mr. Gotwald accepting Mr. Mobley's authorization of the furniture stripping product he <br />is using. Also the Council said a mining permit would be=issued to Mr. LeRoiux as soon as <br />Mr. Gotwald's approval is received. <br />A drainage problem at Lino Air Park was dealt with. Mr. Kolstad will submit his engineering <br />data to Mr. Gotwald for his approval and a mining permit will be issued to him. <br />Mr. Kolstad told the Board that Sherwood Green Hardshells are ready for signature. The <br />Council moved to approve the signatures subject Mr. Locher1s approval of the abstracts and <br />receipt of the park dedication monies. <br />Mr. Mobley said he would stop to see Mr. Robertsregarding the odor coming from his pig farm. <br />Mr. McLean reported the action of the Council on June 26, 1978. The Council had approved all <br />recommendatios of the June 21, 1978 Planning and Zoning Board recommendations. <br />Mrs. Schwankl arrived at 8:20 P.M. and Mr. GourIV officially opened the meeting. Members <br />present; Mattson, Gourl', Hill and SCh a" . Members absent; Bohjanen, Schearen, Reinert. <br />Mr. McLean, Council liason, was also present. <br />Mr. Hill moved to approve the minutes as presented. Mr. Mattson seconded the motion. Motion <br />declared passed. <br />Variance - Paul Keefe <br />The Board discussed the status of the road between Deer Pass Trail and Keefe's property line. <br />The City Attorney had indicated it was a dedicated roadway, but there is still a question <br />of whether it was accepted. <br />Mr. McLean asked Mr. Keefe to indicate on the map where he planned to purchase his 5 acres. <br />He was told not to land Jock his father. <br />Mr. Hill moved to recommend to the Council that the Council consult Attorney Locher to deter- <br />mine if the road was legally accepted before July 24, 1978. Mrs. Schwankl seconded the mo- <br />tion. Motion declared passed. This will be placed on the next Council agenda. <br />Mr. Hughes asked for a variance for a driveway over 300' and for a lot of less than 22 acres <br />and for positioning his house east, not facing the front of his lot. <br />Mrs. Schwankl moved to recommend to Council that a variance be granted to Mr. Hughes for a <br />driveway over 300' with the understanding that the land owner is responsible for the main- <br />tenance of the driveway and for a lot of less than 21 acres and for setting the house facing <br />east. Mr. Hill seconded the motion. Motion declared passed. <br />Mr. McLean noted that Mr. Hughes should observe the 30' setback on both Main Street and the <br />east boundry of the property. <br />Rezone - Lyle Carpenter <br />Mr. Carpenter asked to rezone lots A and B adjacent to his property so that he might purchase <br />
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