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07/19/1978 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
07/19/1978 P&Z Minutes
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9/29/2017 2:58:43 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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-Page Two- July 19, 1978 <br />them from Ken and El Rehbein and combine them with his property. <br />It was determined that the zoning should be Heavy Industrial. <br />Mr. Mattson moved to recommend to Council ellapproval Of the rezoning to Heavy Industrial <br />contigent on fees being paid and that a public hearing be set. Mrs. Schwankl seconded the <br />motion. Motion declared passed. <br />Plat - Caroles Estates 11 - Jack Menkveld <br />The Clerk read the City Engineers and the City Planners recommendations. Mr. Menkveld said <br />he was already aware of some fo the problems noted by Mr. Gotwald and Mr. Short. <br />Mr. Short had noted that the County is requiring a 75' easement along CASH #23 and does not <br />want every driveway coming off #23 but rather a collecting point with one entry on #23. The <br />Board asked Mr. Menkvel.d to contact the County for their recommendations and approval. They <br />also asked the Clerk to notify the .landowner to the west of this new plat. <br />Mr. Menkveld said he would provide Mr. Gotwald with his ponding and ditching and soil cor- <br />rection plans. He will also have the discripancy in elevations between Caroles Estates 11 <br />and Mar Don corrected. The Clerk will take the plat to the Park Board for their recommendations <br />Mr. McLean asked Mr. Menkveld if he could have the problems resolved by the August Planning <br />and Zoning Board meeting. Mr. Mendveld said,.Yes and Mr. McLean said he would be placed on <br />the August agenda. <br />Baldwin Lake Trailer Court <br />The Clerk read the City Engineer's and the City Planner's recommendations. <br />Mr. Hill noted that the Planner indicated the designated park areas were to small for prac- <br />tical use. He asked what would happen to these areas if they were not used for parks. <br />He was told if would remain open space. Mr. Hill suggested the Park Board should see this <br />concept. <br />The cul-de-sacs were discussed. Mr. Mangnuson was asked why the street didn't loop around <br />the back and meet the other street with the cul-de-sacs thereby eliminating both cul-de-sacs. <br />Mr. Mangnuson said some of the land near the lake was very low and it would cost alot to con- <br />struct that part of the road. <br />Mr. Hill felt that the present layout was nice looking. <br />Mr. Gourley noted the several items that need clarification: <br />1. Item 6 in Mr. Short's letter. This could not be located in the ordinance. <br />2. Investigate with Mr. Gotwald a looping street instead of two cul-de-sacs. <br />3. Provide topographical maps of the entire court. <br />4. If the cul-de-sacs are retained they should be 50' in radius. <br />5. The plat will have to be submitted to +he DNR for their requirements. <br />6. It was noted that Mrs. Mary Glischinski is owner of Baldwin Lake Trailer Park and <br />Mr. Howard Mangnuson, of Park Planning Service, Inc is planning the expansion. <br />The Clerk was asked to send copies of these minutes to Park Planning Service, Inc. <br />
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