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06/21/1978 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
06/21/1978 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called to order at 8:02 <br />P.M., June 21, 1978 by Chairman Gourley. Members present; Bohjanen, Hill, Shearen, Gourley, <br />Schwankl, Mattson. Members absent; Reinert. Mr. McLean, Council Liason, was also present. <br />Mr. Shearen moved to approve the minutes of the May 17, 1978 meeting. Mr. Bohjanen seconded <br />the motion. Motion declared passed. <br />Mr. McLean's Report <br />Mr. McLean reported the Council approved all the May 17, 1978 Planning and Zoning Board re- <br />commendations. The Council approved the hard shells for Lakes Addition IV and resolved the <br />situation regarding 77th Street and are waiting receipt of the topog maps for the new park <br />on 7th Avenue near Lake Reshaneau. <br />Variance - Lyle Carpenter <br />Mr. Carpenter has applied for a variance to combine two pieces of property with the commerc- <br />ial property he owns on Lake Drive. The parcels are not zoned commercial and the Planning <br />and Zoning Board questioned if residential property can be combined with commercial property <br />without rezoning. <br />Mr. McLean told Mr. Carpenter that he had talked to the City Attorney who said there were two <br />ways to handle this matter. 1) Rezone the two parcels to commercial, 2) grant a Special Use <br />Permit for the two parcels. Mr. McLean suggested rezoning as the better of the two ways since <br />this is a permanent procedure and moved with the transfer of ownershjp. A Speceal Use Permit <br />is subject to annual review and is not valid when the land is sold. <br />Mr. Carpenter said he preferred to have the property rezoned and would contact Mr. Locher <br />and determine the procedure. <br />Mr. Gourley told Mr. Carpenter that the forms could be obtained at the City office and he <br />would be placed on the July agenda. <br />Brian Dobie - Land Split <br />Mr. Dobie presented a sketch of an eighty parcel of land he has purchased on Main Street in- <br />dicating lot division and a street layout. He plans to split the lots by metes and bounds and <br />has done the preliminary soils work and has prepared specifications for the street. <br />Mr. Dobie discussed different possible street layouts and asked if the City would go along with <br />installing the street in stages. <br />Mr. McLean said installing the street in stages would be no problem but asked if Mr. Dobie <br />considered posting a letter of credit for the street. Mr. Dobie did not know what a letter <br />of credit was and Mr. McLean explained. <br />Mr. Shearen said Mr. Gotwald, City Engineer, should see the lot layout to be sure it conforms <br />to the over all City plan ans street layout. <br />Mr. Hill questioned the length of the cul-de-sac. Mr. McLean said this could be discussed by <br />the City Engineer. <br />Mr. Gourley told Mr. Dobie that from this point he should consult the City Engineer. <br />Plat - Plyes Ist Addition <br />Mr. Pyles presented a preliminary plan for six lots on Pine Street. Mr. Shearen moved to <br />recommend to Council approval of this plat subject to a 33' correction of the easement along <br />the west side of the plat. Mr. Hill seconded the motion. Motion declared passed. <br />
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