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06/21/1978 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
06/21/1978 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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Page -2- June 21, 1978 <br />Mr. Pees asked if the City plans to install the platted street to the south of this plat. <br />Mr. McLean told him to ask the City Attorney about the stattus of this street. <br />Mr. R. J. Paulson <br />Mr. Paulson presented a letter he has written to the City regarding his concern for drainage <br />in the area of County Road #23 (Lake Drive) and #242 (Main Street). They are also concerned <br />about a privacy barrier between the commercial areas and the residential areas. <br />Mr. McLean explained that before any construction could commence in this area, all plans <br />would have to be checked by the City Engineer and drainage would be a primary concern. He <br />also said that he had heard that the Country Store will not be built in this area at this time. <br />He said he would pass the letter on to the Council and thanked Mr. Paulson for coming. <br />House Numbers - Arnold Kelling <br />Mr. Kelling gave the background on the start of the numbering system in Lino Lakes. At the <br />time that the Lexington, Lakeview Area was settled, the Town Board asked Mr. Kelling to set <br />the house numbers since he was a postal employee and possibly could be helpful. Upon the ad- <br />vice of the County Engineer he continued Ramsey County's house numbering system. The numbers <br />started at 6000 at the south border of the City and there will be 400 numbers per mile (200 <br />on each side of the street). There wasn't any numbering system to the west so he started the <br />numbers at 0 on the western border and continued 400 numbers per mile going east. He enlisted <br />the help of Elmer Kruger and numbered the entire City. <br />Mr. McLean asked Mr. Kelling to outline some of the problem areas. He said County Road "J" <br />is bad. New residents picked up numbers from across the street and they do not line up with <br />the rest of the City's numbering system. Also the numbers start a 0 at Turtle Lake Road <br />and go up to the east and to the west. <br />After discussing other areas (Holly Drive, West Rondeau) it was decided to have the City Cl- <br />erk, Chief Myhre, and Mr. Volk note problem numbering errors and give the notes to the Clerk. <br />The Clerk was also asked to contact Mr. Gotwald for his comments or suggestions. <br />Variance - Paul and Robert Keefe <br />Mr. Keefe has requested a variance to build on a 5 acre piece of property that does not have <br />any frontage on a City Street. The property is located at the end of Rolling Hills Drive. <br />After discussing the condition of Rolling Hills Drive and whether it was a full City street, <br />it was decided to contact the City Attorney to determine if Rolling Hills Drive is considered <br />a full City street and if so, how much of a cul-de-sac would Mr. Keefe be required to install <br />before a building permit could be issued. The Clerk will obtain this information. <br />Mr. Shearen moved to recommend that this variance be denied until further information is avail- <br />able. Mr. Hill seconded the motion. Motion declared passed. <br />Mr. Gourley told Mr. Keefe that the Clerk would obtain the City Attornies opinion on the street <br />and he would be placed on the July agenda. <br />Shenandoah <br />Mr. Berg and several other Shenandoah residents were in the audience. Mr. Berg asked the <br />Planning and Zoning Board if there was anything the City could do to restrict the building <br />in Shenandoah to houses with at least a double car garage. They objected to the 'matchboxes' <br />being built without garages. They didn/t want to see the area turned into a housing project. <br />
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