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05/17/1978 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
05/17/1978 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called to order at <br />8:13 P.M., Wednesday, May 17, 1978 by Chairman Gourley. Members present: Gourley, Schw- <br />ankl, Reinert, Mattson. Members absent; Hill, Bohjanen, Shearen. Mr. McLean, Council <br />liason was also present. <br />Mr. Reinert moved to approve the minutes of the April <br />Mattson seconded t.e motign. Motion declared passed. <br />r _t' <br />Plat - School Subdivision - Elmer Crohn <br />19, 1978 meeting as presented. Mr. <br />The Clerk asked Mr. Crohn what the actual name of the plat will be. he said, School Sub- <br />division is the plat name. <br />The Clerk read Mr. Short's and Mr. Gotwald's recommendations. <br />Mr. Gourley asked Mr. Crohn how he wished to resolve the private driveway located on the <br />eastern edge of the plat. Mr. Crohn said he is in the process of contacting the land own- <br />er who is using this driveway. He said if the landowner agrees to move the driveway east <br />he would deed the driveway to him. <br />Mr. Gourley suggested that Mr. Crohn omit this driveway from his plat entirely. <br />Mr. Crohn asked about Park dedication and Mr. McLean told him the formula is I/10th the <br />number of acres x $1,100.00 and this must be paid before the hard shells are signed. <br />Mr. Reinert moved to recommend to Council approval of the plat of School Subdivision sub- <br />ject to the Planner's and Engineer's recommendations and to require money in lieu of land <br />for Park dedication and subject to the removal of the private driveway on the eastern edge <br />of the plat. Mrs. Schwankl seconded the motion. Motion declared passed. <br />Plat - Sunset Estates - Jim Schilling <br />The Clerk read the Planner's and Engineer's letter. The curve in the street was discussed. <br />Mr. Schilling said he would resolve this with Mr. Gotwald. <br />Mr. Reinert moved to recommend to Council approval of this plat of Sunset Estates subject <br />to the Planner's and Engineer's recommendations and subject to cash in lieu of land for <br />Park dedication. Mr. Mattson seconded the motion. Motion decalared passed. <br />Variance - Lyle Carpenter <br />Mr. Carpenter has requested a variance to combine three lots he owns north of Main Street <br />and fronting on Lake Drive. <br />Mr. Carpenter said in the future he would like to build a house on the back of this property. <br />After further discussion the Clerk was asked to send all this information to Attorney Locher <br />for his opinion as to whether or not two residential lots can be combined with a commercial <br />lot by variance. The question of whether of not the back lots would have to be rezoned <br />commercial should also be directed to Mr. Locher. Mr. Carpenter plans to use all three lots <br />in the operation of his business. Mr. Locher should contact Mr. Carpenter if he has any <br />further questions. <br />Mr. Carpenter will return to the June Planning and Zoning Board. <br />Mr. Carpenter looked at Mr. Crohn's plat map. <br />
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