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05/17/1978 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
05/17/1978 P&Z Minutes
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9/29/2017 3:00:10 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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Page -2- May 17, 1978 <br />Variance - Francis Burque <br />Mr. Burque owns a tract of land of less than 22 acres on 20th Avenue and wishes to give it <br />to his son. <br />Mr. Reinert moved to recommend approval of the variance provided the parcel is included with <br />Mr. Ronald Burque's land in one legal description. The reason being so that it cannot be <br />sold separately as a legal buildable lot. Mr. Mattson seconded the motion. Motion declared <br />passed. <br />Variance - Gene Blomquist <br />Mr. Blomquist has requested a variance to split a lot of less than 22 acres. This property <br />is located on County Road J. <br />Mrs. Schwankl moved to recommend approval of this variance to split off a lot of 201.59feet <br />x 216.6 feet from plat number 82931, parcel number 6620. Mr. Mattson seconded the motion. <br />Motion declared passed. <br />Variance - Joseph Effertz <br />Mr. Efferty has requested a variance to split off a parcel of land of less than 22 acres <br />from the lot he owns on Oak Lane. <br />Mr. Reinert moved to recommedn approval of the variance to split out 1.05 acres from plat <br />number 88095, parcel number 2480 which contains 6.5 acres. Mr. Mattson seconded the motion. <br />Motion declared passed. <br />Variance - Robert Sorg - Long driveway <br />The variance request from Mr. Sorg was not considered. Mr. McLean asked that the legal <br />description be supplied and the request made clear. <br />Special Use Permit - Alfred Stafki, Jr. <br />Mr. Stafki applied for a special use permit of operatie an upholestry shop at his address. <br />He stated he will not have a show room and will be operating out of his garage. <br />Mr. Gourley asked him what equipment he uses in his operation. Mr. Stafki said a sewing <br />machine, hand tools, etc. <br />Mr. McLean asked would anything be stored outside of the buildings. Mr. Stafki said, No. <br />Mr. Reinert moved to recommend approval of the special use permit subject to annual review. <br />Mrs. Schwankl seconded the motion. Motion declared passed. <br />Old Business <br />Mr. McLean suggested that this Board redirect itself to working on such items as the com- <br />prehensive City plan and the house numbering problem. <br />Mr. McLean asked the Clerk to write to Mr. Kelling, City Assessor, and ask him to come to <br />the next Board meeting to implement the house numbering plan. <br />Mr. McLean suggested that the Board start considering all grips, recommendations etc. re- <br />garding City planning. He also suggested that the members look over the Blue Comprehensive <br />Land Use Book. <br />
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