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04/19/1978 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
04/19/1978 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called to order at <br />8:10 P.M., April 19, 1978 by Vice -Chairman Hill. Members present; Reinert, Shearen, <br />Hill, Mattson, Schwankl. Members absent: Bohjanen. Mr. Gourley will be late. Mr. <br />McLean, Council liason was also present. <br />Mr. Shearen moved to approve the minutes of the March 15, 1978 meeting. Mr. Reintert <br />seconded the motion. Motion declared passed. <br />Mr. Hill noted that since the agenda is so large and the members received the copies <br />of the Council minutes, Mr. McLean's Report will be omitted this month. <br />Variance - Sunset Oaks Plat - Kurth Surveying <br />Mr. Kolstad represented Kurth Surveyors. He noted that the variance request for lot I, <br />block 1 would create two Tots of less than one acre. He explained when the plat was <br />originally drawn the street easement on each side of the lot was 33' not 60' as shown. <br />Had the final plat been approved with the original 33' easements the lots would be one <br />acre. During the platting process the County asked for a 60' easement instead of the <br />33' easement and the plat owners failed to notice how this would affect a future lot <br />split. He also noted that all the land is still there and will be maintained by the <br />lot owner but is not part of the total net lot area. <br />Mr. McLean noted that the Board has been limiting the lot size to at Least one acre <br />because of our proposal to Metro Council and to maintain our creditability. <br />Mr. Mattson said he would not be in favor of this variance but would recommend passing <br />it on to the Council. Mr. McLean said the Board should take some action, deny or re- <br />commend approval. <br />Mr. Mattson moved to recommend to Council that this variance for an undersized lot for <br />Kurth Surveying be denied. It does not meet local ordinance and does not cause undo <br />hardship and is not locken in by other lots. Mr. Shearen seconded the motion. Mr. <br />Shearen, Mr. Hill, Mr. Reinert and Mr. Mattson vote, yea. Mrs. Schwankl voted, Nay. <br />Motion declared passed. <br />Mr. Shearen moved to recommend to the Council that the variance request for the div- <br />ision of lot #I, block #I, Sunset Oaks be approved. Mrs. Schwankl seconded the mot- <br />ion. Motion declared passed. <br />Variance - Eugene Blomquist <br />Mr. Blomquist has requested a variance to split the front of a lot he owns on County <br />Road "J" into two lots each with approximately 100' frontage and 167' in depth. Each <br />lot would be less than one acre and have less than the required frontage. He explained <br />the new lots would conform to the existing lots. <br />Mr. McLean suggested making one lot with 200 + frontage and 167' depth. Mr. Shearen <br />noted it still would be less than one acre and he would recommend denial of the var- <br />iance for the same reason as the previous variance denial. <br />Mrs. Blomquist changed the variance request to indicate a request for a variance for <br />a lot with a 200 + frontage and 167' depth. Mr. Reinert asked why the rear lot line <br />could not be pushed back to line up with the rear lot lines to the west and thus create <br />a one acre lot. Mrs. Blomquist explained there is an existing fence and they did not <br />wish to move it or sell any more land. <br />Mr. Shearen moved to recommend approval of this variance request based on the already <br />
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