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04/19/1978 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
04/19/1978 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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Page -2- <br />April 19, 1978 <br />existing lots and the frontage would be over 150'. Mrs Schwankl seconded the motion. <br />Mr. Hill called for further discussion. After further discussion, Mr. Shearen with- <br />drew his motion. <br />Mr. Mattson moved to recommend to Council that this variance for an undersized lot of <br />less than 8/l0ths of an acre be denied. Mr. Reinert seconded the motion. Motion de- <br />clared passed. <br />Variance - Al Koosman - Long Driveway <br />Mr. Reinert moved to recommend approval of this variance with the stipulation that <br />the owner be made aware that he is responsible for all maintenance of this driveway. <br />Mr. Shearen seconded the motion. Motion declared passed. <br />Variance - Bennett Hildestad <br />Mr. Hildestad has requested a variance to split a lot he owns on Ware Road. Each mew <br />lot would have 122.5' frontage and over one acre in size. <br />Mr. Mattson noted that this is much the same as the previous variance requests. The <br />lots do not meet the frontage requirement. <br />Mr. Hildestad said he probabley would build on one lot and sell the other. He felt <br />it would be to big to retain as one lot. <br />Mr. Gourley arrived ar 9:10 P.M. and assumed the Chairman position. <br />After further discussion, Mr. Reinert moved to recommend that this variance not be <br />granted since it was not in keeping with the ordinances. Mr. Shearen seconded the <br />motion. Motion declared passed. <br />Mr. Lyle Carpenter's request for a variance was not considered due to lack of time <br />and Mr. Carpenter was not present. <br />Pine Street Plat - Dave Pyles <br />Mr. Plyes presented a proposal for eight lots located on Pine Street. One problem he <br />could encounter is double facing Tots if 133rd Street was to be established. Also if <br />the City were to hold to the one acre minimum lot the frontage would be large. <br />Mr. Gourley noted that the City has committed itself to one acre or larger lots and even <br />if the frontages were large they could be split if municipal sewers were installed. <br />Mr. McLean suggested that he should contact Mr. Gotwald to find out what the future <br />street plan is for this area. Also Mr. Gotwald could suggest a lot layout. <br />Mr. Gourley noted that he will have to go with the one acre lot. <br />Mr. Pyles said he would try to work something out. <br />Plat - Jim Schilling <br />Mrs. Schilling presented a feasibility plan for a plat to be located south of Main <br />Street with exits on Main Street and on County Road #23 (Old #8). <br />Mr. McLean asked if her proposal included construction of the street through the plat. <br />
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