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02/15/1978 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
02/15/1978 P&Z Minutes
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9/29/2017 3:04:19 PM
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9/29/2017 1:08:54 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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Page -2- February 15, 1978 <br />Variance - El Rehbein & Son <br />El Rehbein and Son presented a variance to add approximately 4,800 square feet to <br />Parcel A from Parcel B located at 7989 Lake Drive. The purpose is to gain added park- <br />ing space at North Northeast Realty and gain a marketable lot to the north. <br />Mr. Gourley asked for further discussion. Mr. Shearen moved to recommend to the Council <br />that a variance to add to Parcel A from Parcel B be granted. Mrs. Schwankl seconded <br />the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Plat - Forest Glen <br />The Board reviewed the latest drawing of Forest Glen. Mr. Gourley noted that the west- <br />ern border of the plat does indicate an outlot for street purposes. After further dis- <br />cussion it was decided that Mr. Gotwald comments regarding this situation and abutting <br />lots was not clear. <br />Mr. Gourley recommended that a special meeting with Mr. Gotwald, Mr. Short and Mr. Locher <br />to straighten out this problem. At the same time other platting problemareas could be <br />discussed. <br />Mr. Shearen said he would like to see something in writing from the consultants to det- <br />ermine if a special meeting is needed. Also he would like Attorney Locher to comment <br />in writing on East Bethel's utility and drainage easement requirement. <br />The Clerk was asked to inform Mr. Menkveld of the special meeting. <br />Twilight II - El Rehbein and Son <br />Mr. Blackbird presented a drawing of proposed Twilight 11 and asked the Board if it is <br />a feasible plan. After discussing its location and layout, Mr. Blackbird was asked to <br />present a preliminary drawing. <br />Special Use Permit - El Rehbein & Son <br />Mr. Blackbird and Mr. Joyer presented a Special Use request to use the garage of the <br />house being built on Rice Court in Shenandoah for an office. Mr. Hill moved to recomm- <br />end to the Council that the. Special Use Permit request from El Rehbein & Son be granted <br />subject to annual review. Mr. Shearen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Plat - Mar Don Homes <br />A new plat drawing was presented and reviewed by the Board. The northern most lots <br />abutt two streets. This problem will be resolved at a special meeting with the Engineer. <br />Mr. Shearen asked if the Mar Don representatives have contacted Mr. Gotwald regarding <br />their plat. He felt that they could get further direction from him. <br />Plat - Outlot A, Lakes Addition IV <br />Mr. Peterson gave the Board copies of the soil boring tests and the most recent drawing <br />indicating that all lot sizes were at least one acre. <br />Mr. Shearen moved to recommend approval of Lakes Addition IV subject to receipt of app- <br />roval of Rice Lake Watershed Distract Board. Mr. H111 seconded the motion. Motion <br />carried unanimously. Mr. Peterson was told he would be placed on the February 27, 1978 <br />
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