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03/08/1978 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
03/08/1978 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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March 8, 1978 <br />A special meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called to order at <br />8:08 P.M., Wednesday, March 8, 1978 by Chairman Gourley. Members present: Gourley, <br />Shearen, Reinert, Schwankl, Mattson. Members absent: Hill. Mr. Locher, Mr. Gotwald <br />and Mayor Karth were also present. <br />Mr. Gourley said the purpose of the meeting was to clear up some questions and or <br />discrepancies regarding platting procedures. Mr. Gourley turned the meeting over <br />to Mr. Gotwald. <br />Mr. Gotwald first asked what ordinance would prevail in platting. Mr. Locher said <br />Ordinance #56. He also said that he would like to clarify the philosophy of platt- <br />ing <br />Forest Glen was considered. The concern here is the western border that meets Sunset <br />Oaks. There is an outlot platted on the eastern border for future road purposes. <br />The Planning and Zoning Board had felt there should be an outlot or easement on the <br />Forest Glen plat for a future 60' road. However, the lots in Forest Glen would then <br />abutt on two streets. This is not allowed by the City ordinance. Mr. Gotwald felt <br />this would not be a problem since the road would not be installed until sewers are <br />available and then the lots would be split. <br />Mr. Minkveld suggested platting a utility easement on the Forest Glen plat. Mr. <br />Gotwald pointed out that you cannot plat a road easement in Anoka County. <br />Mr. Locher suggested making sure each deed on lots 1 - 8, block 7 and lots 1-8 in <br />block 8 of Forest Glen contain a 30' easement. Then these lots could be split in <br />two when the street is completed on the easement. <br />Mr. Gourley noted that Ulmers Plat was platted with the idea of splitting the lots <br />into four lots. Mr. McLean felt that not many people buy lots with the intention of <br />splitting them in the future. <br />Mr. Reinert asked what other communities are doing in this area. Mr. Gotwald explained <br />that nearer the City the lots are platted minimal size because sewer and water are <br />available. Further out of the Cities, Tots are platted in 22 to 5 acre lots and <br />these problems still exist. <br />Mr. Gotwald further questioned, should we be concerned about future replatting or <br />redividing? We would be trying to second guess buyers and future Councils and Plann- <br />ing and Zoning Boards. This is not possible. He could not see the sense of platting <br />a through steet between Sunset Oaks and Forest Glen at this time. <br />Mr. Minkveld noted that the developers of Sunset Oaks still own Outlot "J". Mr. <br />Gotwald said the City may have to purchase this lot if a future road is developed there. <br />Mr. Shearen asked if we are looking down the road to far? Mr. Gotwald said yes, but <br />felt it is time to consider a master throughfare plan. <br />Mr. Gourley asked Mr. Gotwald what were his suggestions regarding Forest Glen. Mr. <br />Gotwald said that we could follow Mr. Lochers suggestion and require all deeds on the <br />western border be recorded with a 30' utility easement. <br />Mr. Gourley pointed out that our ordinance excludes easements from the one acre cal- <br />culation in lot sizes. Mr. Gotwald said he felt the ordinance was a guideline and <br />
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