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03/08/1978 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
03/08/1978 P&Z Minutes
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9/29/2017 3:04:00 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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• Page -2- <br />March 8, 1978 <br />not intended to impose undo hardship. He felt this part of the ordinance was directed <br />to power lines and those who were splitting off from acreage and calculating the lot <br />size from the center of the road, not necessarily utility easements or in some cases <br />road easements. He also noted that if that particular street were completed the lots <br />would be legal size since water and sewer would be available. <br />Mr. Reinert suggested that when Mr. Gotwald makes written comments on plats in the <br />future that he include comments on how the plat fits future City development. Mr. <br />Gotwald suggested he could take a Z section map and draw in the new proposed plat. <br />Mr. McLean asked if we have a master city map. Mr. Gotwald said no, but as each new <br />area is platted he adds the streets to the City map. He said he could make a separ- <br />ate map, however, it will not be an official map. <br />Mr. Gourley asked if Mr. Menkvelds plat could be acted upon tonight showing a utility <br />easement on all of the western boundry lots with the easement reconded on all deeds. <br />Mr. Locher -said that ultimately whoever owns outlot "J" in Sunset Oaks will get tired <br />of paying taxes on it and will abandon it or try to sell it to the City. If the ease- <br />ment in Forest Glen is recorded as a utility easement and the City decides to build <br />a road there using outlot "J", the City will have to condemn outlot "J" and buy it. <br />Since the easement in Forest Glen is a utility easement whoever owns tha lot will pay <br />taxes on it and maintain it until the time the easement is used by the City. <br />Mr. Gourley asked who would insure that the easement gets recorded. Mr. LOcher said <br />it would appear on the final plat map as an easement and the Clerk will have to in- <br />sist on seeing the deed to make sure the easement was recorded on the deed before a <br />building permit could be issued. <br />It was also noted that proof of ownership is not presently required at the time persons <br />apply for special use permits, variances, rezoning and platting. Mr. Gotwald suggested <br />that persons who wish to change the land use appear with the prospective buyer at the <br />Planning and Zoning Board meeting or the public hearing. <br />Mr. Karth suggested that once a person obtains a purchase agreement he does have a <br />vested interest in the property. <br />Mr. Shearen moved to recommend to Council that the Forest Glan Plat be accepted with <br />a utility and dreainage easement recorded on the west border line for a future road <br />and that the easement be recorded on each deed and subject to recommendations of the <br />Planner, Engineer, Rice Creek Watershed District Board and Anoka County Highway Dep- <br />artment. Mr. Reinert seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Gourley asked for suggestions on the Mar Don plat. Mr. Gotwald said that the <br />future extension of 79th would have to be provided for. <br />After further discussion, Mr. Reinert moved to recommend to Council that the Mar Don <br />Plat be approved subject to the requirement that the fee owner shall, after the fil- <br />ing of the plat execute a deed dedication to the City of Lino Lakes, of an easement <br />for street and public utility purposes, on the north 30 feet of Tots one through <br />eight, both inclusive, Block one of said plat and that no building permits shall be <br />issued until such deed is delivered to the City and accepted by the Council. The in- <br />tent shall be that such street shall not be opened or/and uless and until further dev- <br />elopment demands the opening and use thereof and until the property owner to the north <br />dedicates a 30 foot similar easement immediately north of and contiguous to said <br />
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