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12/21/1977 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
12/21/1977 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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December 21, 1977 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was to be called <br />to order at 8:00 P.M. December 21, 1977. There was not a quorum. Members present: <br />Nadeau, Reinert, Gourley. Members absent: Sehwankl, Shearen, Karth, Hill. Mr. <br />McLean Council liason was present. <br />Mr. McLean explained to the persons in the Hall that the Board did not have a uqorum <br />and could not act on any of the business scheduled bout would answer any questions. <br />Mr. Gilbert Menkveld gave the Board a copy of Engineer Jack R. McConlaha's soil <br />borings for the plat Forest Glen. Mr. Menkveld said he is continuing with the plat. <br />Mr. Joseph Effertz of 825 Oak Lane appeared before the Board and asked if a lot <br />of less than 22 acres could be split out of his lot and sold with the present build- <br />ings. Mr. Effertz was told a variance would be required to spilt off a parcel of <br />land less than 22 acres in size. A legal survey would be required as well. <br />Ulmer's Rice Lake Addition 11 <br />Mr. Ulmer showed the Board a copy of Rice Lake Addition II. Mr. Ulmer was informed <br />this would be considered as an entirely new plat. Mr. Ulmer will be placed on the <br />January 18, 1978 P & Z agenda. <br />Mr. Luther LeVesseur - Variance <br />Mr. LeVesseur had appeared before the Board on February 16, 1977 and the Council on <br />February 28, 1977 requesting a variance to split off a piece of land from his lot <br />on Lois Lane. The P & Z Board had not made a recommendation but felt that if Mr. <br />LeVesseur obtained a survey with correct footage and combined the remaining half <br />with the adjacent two lots the variance could be granted. <br />Mr. LeVesseur had provided a survey but it did not indicate that the remaining <br />portion of the lot was added to the 2 lots in the Lakeview -Woodlands plat. He <br />was told to have a certificate of survey drawn showing the combination of the lots <br />and he will be placed on the January 18, 1978 agenda. <br />Feed -Rite Control <br />Mr. Shipp of Feed - Rite Control stated he had checked with Mr. Munson of the Lex- <br />ington Fire Department and Mr. Munson felt there will not be a problem with fire <br />control. <br />Mr. McLean asked if there would be any mixing or blending on this site. Mr. Shipp <br />said there will be some blending. <br />Mr. McLean asked what zoning Feed -Rite was considering? Mr. Short had recommended <br />Heavy Industrial and Mr. Locher recommended General Business. Mr. Shipp was given <br />the application form for rezoning and he will return it indicating the rezoning <br />category. <br />Mr. Shopp was asked to submit a copy of a site plan or plot plan indicating approx- <br />imately where the buildings are to be located and where the parking area will be as <br />well as any tree screening or fencing. <br />The Clerk was instructed to send copies of Ordinance #56, #21 and #22 to Mr. Shipp. <br />Mr. Nadeau asked Mr. Shipp if he had talked to adjacent neighbors or landowners? <br />
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