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11/16/1977 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
11/16/1977 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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November 16, 1977 <br />o l <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called to order at 8:09 <br />P.M. November 16, 1977 by Chairman Gourley. Members present: Gourley, Reinert, Shearen, <br />Karth, Hill, Nadeau. Members absent: Schwankl. Mr. McLean Council liason was also pre- <br />sent. <br />The minutes of the October 19, 1977 Planning and Zoning Board meeting were considered. <br />Mr. Reinert moved to approve the minutes as presented. Mr. Karth seconded the motion. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. McLean's Report <br />Mr. McLean, Mr. Karth and Mr. Schneider had walked the proposed south side of the 7th Ave. <br />Creek park area in Country Lakes on October 22, 1977. They suggested to the Council that <br />this site is not acceptable and asked for a site of approximately 10 acres north of the <br />Creek. The Council so moved. <br />Mr. McLean presented a proposal for providing frontage to the duplex off of East Shadow <br />Lake Drive. The Drovers State Bank would give the City a 60' strip to the house and a <br />75' strip for frontage with no proposal for surfacing the street. At the time the out - <br />lot is platted the City would vacate this land. The Council so moved. Mr. McLean was <br />notified today that Mr. Kronholm will meet with him again in a few days for further work <br />on these two items. <br />Lino Lakes City Council, Hugo City Council and representatives from Metro Open Space met <br />November 5, 1977 and walked the area that is proposed by Metro Council for Otter Lake <br />Regional Park. This City's position ias as well as Hugo's is that any reference to the <br />Otter Lake Regional Park is to be deleted from both systems statements. This City has <br />proposed a bikeway system on the roadbed on Bald Eagle Drive next to the asphalt surface <br />and possibly some connecting walking trails. It was emphasized that our City Ordinance <br />adequately protects the marsh lands. It was ali°pointed out that any bikeway or trail systems <br />would be City owned, operated and controlled and not a part of the Metro Open Space program. <br />No highlands will be considered. The Metro Council people said they would discuss this <br />matter further. <br />Mr. Nadeau asked if the bikeways and trail system would present serious maintenance pro- <br />blems. Mr. McLean said that grants are available. <br />Mr. Shearen said he thought that at one time Metro Open Space wanted all lands around <br />Bald Eagle Lake. Mr. McLean said the Metro Open Space now say this was just a search <br />area. <br />Mr. Stanley had appled directly to the Council for a variance for a long driveway on one <br />of the lots in Sunset Oaks. The building inspector was holding up his building permit <br />for this variance. There was an attempt to reach the Planning and Zoning members by <br />phone for their approval. The variance was granted with the reminder that the mainten- <br />ance of this driveway is the responsibility of the home owner. <br />Mr. Karth had presented an application for funding assistance for bikeways. The applicat- <br />ion.was forwarded to Mr. Short for his suggestions. <br />Mr. McLean reported that the Council had approved all of the October 19, 1977 Planning <br />and Zoning Board recommendation. <br />The Council accepted the street in Colonial Woods as part of the City's system for full <br />maintenance. <br />
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