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10/19/1977 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
10/19/1977 P&Z Minutes
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9/29/2017 2:54:39 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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Page -2- October 19, 1977 <br />R. H. Lichtscheidl - Dick's Small Engine Repair - Special Use Permit <br />Mr. Lichtscheidl did not appear before the Board. Mr. Reinert moved to recommend to Council <br />that since there appears to be adequate signatures on the request that the Special Use Per- <br />mit be granted subject to annual review. Mr. Karth seconded the motion. Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />Donald Holzmer - Variance <br />Mr. Holzmer has requested a variance for a driveway of 500'+ The Board examined his con- <br />tract for deed with the legal description on it. It appeared the legal description may <br />not be complete. Mr. Shearen moved to recommend to Council that this variance be granted <br />subject to Mr. Holzmer obtaining a certificate of survey with a complete legal description <br />including proper frontage on an established street and the two pieces of property combined <br />as one legal description. Mr. Reinert seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Reinert felt Attorney Locher should inspect the Certificate of Survey to be sure it <br />is complete. <br />Old Business - Mr. Shearen <br />Mr. Shearen said he had talked to a contractor who builds primarily in Washington County <br />and found that all new subdivisions in Washington County donate 8% of property for parks. <br />He will probably have more to report at the next Planning and Zoning Board meeting. <br />Mr. Minkveld presented a preliminary plat of Forest Glen. The platted area was located <br />on the z section map and outlots and 74th Avenue were discussed. <br />Mr. Minkveld was told that copies of the plat were forwarded to the City Engineer and <br />Planner for their review and he will be sent copies of their response. He was told he <br />will be placed on the November agenda. <br />Mr. Reinert moved to adjourn at 9:15 P.M. Mr. Shearen seconded the motion. Aye. <br />Discussion followed adjournment. <br />Mr. Gourley said Mr. Schwankl had called him and explained she wished to resign from the <br />Board because of her health. It was decided that the Clerk should write to Mrs. Sehwankl <br />and ask her to write to the Council and explain she is ill and cannot presently attend <br />the Planning and Zoning Board meetings. If Mrs. Schwankl still feels she cannot attend <br />after the first of the year someone else can be appointed to replace her. <br />Mr. McLean said he is meeting with Mr. Schneider, Mr. Harvey Karth and Mr. Kronholm on <br />Saturday October 22, 1977 to look over a thirteen acre site on 7th Avenue for park ded- <br />ication in Country Lakes. He also said there is a proposal from Drovers State Bank re- <br />garding access to the townhouses off of East Shadow Lake Drive. <br />
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