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08/17/1977 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
08/17/1977 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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August 17, 1977 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called <br />to order at 8:05 P.M. on August 17,1977 by Chairman Gourley. Members present; <br />Madeau, Hill, Karth, Shearen. Absent; Reinert, Schwankl. Mr. McLean was <br />also present. <br />Mr. Shearen moved to approve the minutes of July 20, 1977 as presented. <br />Seconded by Mr. Hill. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. McLean presented the actions of the Council on the recommendations from <br />the July meeting. <br />He also gave a report on the matter of the hearing of West Oaks of Bald <br />Eagle before the EQB. This Board had decided the matter of open space is <br />a local problem and not of State concern and decided an EIS is not needed <br />for that plat. Mr. McLean reported breifly on the preparation of the City's <br />answer to the system statement. <br />Mr. Fran Burque appeared before the Board asking for a variance to a parcel <br />of land of less than 2 acres. This is a trianglur parcel of land created <br />by the installation of 135E and computes to about .06 acre with the road <br />easement deleted. There was a suggestion that a 4 acre triangle be added <br />on the North line but Mr. Burque said that would spoil the remaining land <br />for platting. This parcel has frontage on both the service road and 64th <br />Street. <br />There was discussion of this action setting a precedent but some felt that <br />since this parcel was created by the installation of the freeway, no prece- <br />dent is there. Mr. Shearen felt that the addition of the triangle of land <br />would not add that much to this lot and would create a problem for platting <br />the remainder. <br />Mr. Nadeau moved to recommend to the Council that a varia <br />this pa cel of land. Seconded by M,. Shearen. -. <br />Mr. George Ernster appeared before the Board asking far a variance for an <br />extra long driveway. He has purchased property on 20th avenue North and the <br />most logical site for the home is over 300' from the property line. Mr. <br />Ernster was told that he is responsible for the maintanance of this driveway <br />and the City is not liable for keeping this driveway open for emergency <br />vehicles. Mr. Ernster said he understood. Mr. Karth moved to recommend to <br />the Council this variance for a long driveway be approved. Seconded by Mr. <br />Shearen. Motion carried unanimously. <br />_. <br />c <br />e be 95ae on <br />Mrs. Norris Aune presented a request to sell a lot on Lakeview Avenue. The <br />variance is necessary due to the fact that the garage on the adjoining lot <br />is partially on this second lot. This would delete the North 7.88' of lot <br />4 leaving a front footage of 118'. This 7.88' would be added to lot 3. <br />There was no certificate of survey. Mr. Hill moved to recommend approval of <br />this variance provided the certificate of survey is attached before the <br />Council considers this request. Seconded by Mr. Shearen. Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />Mr. Jerry Blackbird presented a sketch for the platting of Twilight Acres <br />#2. Some of the lots did not meet the one acre requirement. Mr. Blackbird <br />will redraw the sketch and bring back to the Planning and Zoning Board. <br />
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