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07/20/1977 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
07/20/1977 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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iG <br />July 20, 1977 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called <br />to order at 8:15 P.M. by Chairman Gourley, Members present; Shearen, Reinert, <br />Schwankl. Absent; Nadeau, Karth, Hill. Mr. McLean was also present as was <br />Mr. Short and Mr. Gotwald. <br />On page one, Mr. Reinert corrected paragraph 4, in that the notification <br />of special meeting should befeither by phone or mail. <br />On page two, paragraph 12 dealing with the motion on Shenandoah III, Mr. <br />Reinert said he would cast'a 'No' vote as it is written. This is to be added <br />to the paragraph. <br />On page three, paragraph 6, it was asked that in the future names of persons <br />making statements to the Planning and Zoning be recorded. <br />Mr. Reinert moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Seconded by Mr. <br />Shearen. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. McLean reported to the Planning and Zoning the actions of the Council <br />in reference to the recommendations forwarded to them from the June Planning <br />and Zoning Board meeting. <br />Mr. Ardis Wolkse appeared before the Board with a request to split a lot <br />at 6980 Lakeview. This is a corner lot and is compatable with the actions <br />taken on other lots in the same area. Mr. Wolske has provided a legal <br />descirption for each parcel and the fee has been paid. Mr. Reinert moved <br />to recommend approval of this variance to the Council. Seconded by Mr. <br />Shearen. Motion carried unanimously. <br />On considering the variance request of Mr. Eckstrom, the consensus of the <br />Board was that since this split is to enlarge the two remaining lots, a <br />variance is not necessary. Mr. Reinert moved to recommend to the Council <br />to notify the owner that a variance is not necessary and to return the fee <br />paid. Seconded by Mr. Shearen. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Ronald Van Kleek had applied for a varaince to a parcel of land located <br />on Peltier Lake Drive which has no frontage on an established street. This <br />parcel of land was recorded in 1941 and meets the requirement as to the <br />size of the lot. After some discussion, Mr. Shearen moved to recommend to <br />the Council this variance be granted with reference to the information <br />supplied by Mr. Locher. Seconded by Mrs. Schwankl. Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />Lenore DesLauriers had applied for a special use permit to park a 12' camp- <br />ing trailer on a lot while the land is being cleared. She was told this is <br />not an allowed practice under the existing City Ordinances. This unit may <br />be used for a weekend, but cannot be left during the week. There had been <br />some misunderstanding between the Clerk's office and this party and this was <br />discussed. Ms. DesLauriers thanked the Board for their consideration. The <br />Board told her a permit could be issued for a unit such as this at the time <br />a building permit is issued. <br />Mr. Hill arrived at 9:15 P.M. <br />The plat of Carole Estates was considered. Both Mr. Gotwald and Mr. Short <br />had recommended approval of this plat with some stipulations. Mr. Gotwald <br />said a 30' road right-of-way along the Souht edge of the plat should be <br />included. He felt that 79th Street will need to be widened and properly <br />located and the right-of-way should be establised at this time. Mr. Gotwald <br />
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