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07/20/1977 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
07/20/1977 P&Z Minutes
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9/29/2017 2:58:39 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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July 20, 1977 <br />- Page Two - <br />noted the drainage patterns on this property and said there would be no <br />problems. <br />Mr. Short noted that three of the lots are located within the commercial <br />zone and he felt that potential owners of this land should be so notified, <br />in order to avoid potential problems. <br />Mr. Hill asked if these lots should be rezoned to residential? Mr. Short <br />said,not unless the entire strip of homes is rezoned. <br />Mr. Gotwald felt it would be sufficient just to make the poeple aware of <br />the fact of the zoning of those lots - this could be made a part of the deed. <br />Mr. Reinert moved to table this plat until all corrections are completed. <br />Mr. Shearen asked Mr. McLean if the Council objected to receiving plats in <br />this manner, and Mr. McLean said, there had not been any complaints from the <br />Council and quite a few had been received in this manner. <br />Mr. Menkveld requested this be approved with the stipulations of "subject <br />to" added. He felt the timing on this plat is critical. <br />Mr. Gotwald said the Planner and Engineer re -check these plats for the <br />adjustments that are to be made and write a letter to the Council to that <br />effect. Mr. Gotwald felt that unless there is a disagreement with the <br />design concept - minor changes to be made could be handled through the <br />Planner and the Engineer. <br />Mr. Reinert's motion died for lack of a second. Mr. Shearen moved to <br />recommend approval of the preliminary plat Carole Estates subject to the <br />Planner's and Engineer's recommendations being fulfilled before the Council <br />holds a public hearing. The three commercial lots be so designated so <br />owners are notified of this zoning, also follow the Engineer's recommendations <br />on the 30' street right-of-way along 79th Street; perc tests and soil borings <br />to be done on block 2, lots 1,2,3,4,& 8 and any others deemed necessary. <br />Seconded by Mrs. Schwankl. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Fran Burque had presented a request for a variance to transfer title on <br />a pracel of land of less than 24 acres. This lot borders the one a variance <br />was just granted on and is being purchased by the same person. Mr. Burque <br />was advised to combine the two parcels into one description. There was also <br />discussion on a smaller parcel to the West that was created by the building <br />of Interstate 35E. This can be discussed at another time. Mr. Shearen <br />moved to combine the new parcel with the existing parcel to form one 2acre <br />parcel. Seconded by Mr. Hill. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Rohavic Oaks was considered. The Planner's and Engineer's recommendations <br />were discussed. The changes suggested by the Engineer had been made and Mr. <br />Gotwald recommended approval of this concept. Mr. Short had questioned the <br />land suggested -for Park. He felt it might be too low for anything except <br />passive use. <br />The Clerk read a letter received from the Minnesota Department of Transportatic <br />with some suggestions as to the lots facing Highway #49. They also suggested <br />the EQC be contacted on this matter. <br />The developers presented a plan for only filing a plat for the lands border- <br />ing Highway #49. The Board asked why. The developers thought that a time <br />
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