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05/18/1977 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
05/18/1977 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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May 18, 1977 <br />Page Two <br />for that information. <br />Mr. Fran Burque presented a request for a variance to split a one acre parcel <br />from his land along 64th Street Mast. Mr. Burque has not received the legal <br />description from the surveyor, but felt he would have this before the Council <br />meeting on May 23, 1977. Mr. Shearen moved to recommend approval of this <br />variance provided a legal description is available before this is presented <br />for Council consideration. If the legal description is not presented, then <br />no action be taken by the Council. Seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion carried. <br />Mr. William Wahlberg presented a request for a vaaiance to split a parcel of <br />land of less than 2% acres from his Father's land located on the Northside <br />of Lilac Street. The remaining frontage was checked and found to be sufficient <br />Mr. Wahlberg was informed his frontage and address would be on Lilac and if <br />the entrance to his lot is built off his Father's driveway, this is his <br />responsibility. Mr. Nadeau moved to recommend approval of this variance. <br />Seconded by Mr. Shearen. Motion carried. <br />Mr. McLean asked if there been an answer from Mr. Locher on the question of <br />including or excluding the road -right-of-way in the acreage computations and <br />the Clerk said, not as yet. This request is to be forwarded to Mr. Locher. <br />Mr. Warren Solheid had submitted an application for a special use permit. <br />Mr. Solheid was not present but Mr. Nadeau would answer any questions from <br />the Board. Mr. Solheid is buying 5 acres of land from Mr. Nadeau that fronts <br />on Cedar Street. He is a house painter. <br />Mr. Nadeau said Mr. Solheid had called the City offices and had been told that <br />he did not need a special use permit, but Mr. Nadeau felt that since Mr. <br />Solheid will be working out of his home and will have a business phone, it <br />was necessary that a special use permit be applied for. <br />The Clerk said Mr. Solheid had called asking if a special use permit was <br />necessary to park a van in his garage and had been told that it was not. He <br />had told the Clerk that no painting materials would be stored at the location <br />and his van met the weight restrictions. The matter of a business phone or a <br />private phone used for business is not the criteria by which special use <br />permits are issued and is not discussed in the ordinance dealing with special <br />use permits, therefore there is no guide by which this matter can be judged. <br />The Clerk felt that with the information that had been given to her, there <br />was no reason to apply for a special use permit. <br />Mr. Shearen agreed and moved to recommend to the Council that if the Council <br />felt it was necessary for special use permit, that one be granted. Seconded <br />by Mr. Karth. Motion carried. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Reinhold had written a letter of complaint dealing with Mr. Glean <br />Rehbein's operation on Lake Drive. Mr. Locher had been asked for an opinion <br />on this matter. His answer was read to Mr. and Mrs. Reinhold. There were <br />points they disagreed with, but Mr. Locher's letter stated these matters are <br />a civil matter since Mr. Rehbein's operations are within the provisions of the <br />City ordinances. Mr. and Mrs. Reinhold were advised that if they plan to <br />pursue this matter, they should consult their own Attorney. <br />Mr. Glenn Rehbein was not present and Shenandoah III was not considered. <br />Mr. Menkveld had submitted hand drawn sketches for platting of two parcels of <br />land he owns. These sketches were very preliminary and Mr. Menkveld was told <br />
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