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05/18/1977 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
05/18/1977 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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May 18, 1977 <br />Page Three <br />the lots were too small and the adjustments he would have to make in the <br />plat. <br />Mr. Menkveld said he was basically asking for information. He will prepare <br />preliminary according to the -information he had received and re -submit. <br />Midtaune had submitted a preliminary plat for the 40 acres directly North of <br />Sunrise Park abutting Sunrise Avenue. The topography and street grads were <br />not included and the suggestion of realigning thestreets to connect to the <br />existing streets in the Lexington Park Lakeview Area. <br />The agent for Midtaune asked if a building permit could be had for the construc <br />ion of a model home on this land? Since there is more than adequate frontage <br />on Sunrise, the Plannijg and Zoning Board felt this could be handled the same <br />way as in Sunset Oaks - a building permit could be issued with no occupancy <br />until the final plat is approved. <br />Midtaune will prepare the topography maps and the street grades and realignment <br />and re -submit. <br />Mr. Charles Nelson applied for a variance for a lot split in Pine Vista I to <br />allow the installation of a street for acess to Pine Vista II. Mr. Nelson <br />said that he cannot purchase the land from the owner to the East. He presented <br />a sketch to the Planning and Zoning Board with an alternate suggestion as to <br />the alignment of the street. <br />The Planning and Zoning requested Mr. Nelson to have this drawn by Mr. Gotwald <br />and to give his opinion on the use of this by Fire trucks and snow plows. It <br />will also be necessary to get Mr. Locher opinion on an easement within the <br />property. <br />Mr. Shearen felt the variance for the lot split could be approved if both <br />section had one acre and the new street alignment is feasible. <br />A special meeting for the consideration of this was set for May 31, 1977 at <br />7:30 P.M. <br />Mr. Roanld Rasmussen presented a request for a variance for a building too near <br />the street right-of-way on Maple Street. <br />Mr. Rasmussen explained his reason for putting the building as such. He had <br />felt he was within the ordinance at the time. <br />Mr. Shearen moved to recommend approval of. this variance for a non -conforming <br />building in order to clear an existing violation. Seconded by Mr. Karth. <br />Motion carried. <br />The request by Mr. Roland Ford to establish a land fill at his home location <br />on Hodgson Road was considered. The Planning and Zoning Board asked the Clerk <br />to forward this to the Engineer and the Planner for their recommendations. <br />Their comments should b emeeting. <br />L" <br />�4ea- aa t- <br />hice ,lt�`crh <br />Chief's report on the businesses he had chi e k'd was read and con- <br />sidered. Mr. Gourley felt that Sparkle Wash was dismantling cars at that <br />locations and asked for a new report from the Chief. <br />Mr. McLean asked about the house on the corner of Elm and Sunrise that had a <br />sagging roof and was told the roof is straight and the siding is progressing. <br />
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