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04/20/1977 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
04/20/1977 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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April 20, 1977 <br />The regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board was called to order by Chakiiman <br />Gourley at 8:08 P.M. April 20, 1977. Members present: Gourley, Hill, Reinert, Nadeau, <br />Shearen. Members absent: Schwankl, Karth. Mr. McLean, Council liason and Mr. Volk <br />were also present. <br />Mr. Shearen moved to accept the minutes of March 16, 1977 as presented. Mr. Hill sec- <br />onded the motion. Motion carried unanimiously. <br />Mr. McLean read the Council minutes of March 31, 1977 pertaining to Council actions <br />on the Planning and Zoning recommendations. The Planning and Zoning Board had questioned <br />the pigeon house in Shenandoah. The Clerk had checked her records and no building permits <br />had been issued for this building. <br />Mr. McLean noted that the Council had approved the Special Use reguest from Mr. Elmer <br />Maisio to stable a horse on his property. Mr. Gourley asked that it be noted that the <br />Planning and Zoning Board had not completed action on this matter and had not recomm- <br />ended Council approval. <br />Molin Concrete - Mr. William Molin <br />Mr. Gourley asked Mr. Bill Molin to step forward and discuss the matter of the ditch <br />along side of their property on 4th Avenue and planting trees for screening. <br />4r. Volk stated he had inspected the ditch and it is not at its original level, probably <br />9" to 10" higher than previously. He felt it was not a great problem but could possibly <br />be and would like the ditch returned to the original elevation. Mr. Volk noted that some <br />of the Molin products were being stored on the road easement. Mr. Gourley noted that <br />he had observed that the material had already been moved. <br />The gravel in the ditch was discussed. Mr. Gourley noted that this condition is so <br />that it could lend itself to egres at this point. Mr. Molin said he did not want this <br />to happen either. <br />Mr. McLean asked Mr. Molin if he would plant trees on the North for screening. Mr. <br />Molin said it had not been a requirement. He felt they would not. <br />Mr. Hill moved to recommend to Council that Mr. Molin regrade the ditch to its original <br />grade and replace the vegetation in the ditch as necessary and plant two rows of trees, <br />pines or their equal on their west boundry to extend the extent of their storage yard <br />on 4th Avenue. Mr. Shearen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Special Use Permit - Mr. Robert Reinertson <br />Mr. Reinertson has applied for a Special Use Permit to show ceramic tile to his customers <br />from time to time. He stated he is an installer not a salesman and would not be selling <br />tile from his home and would not be storing tile on his property. Customers would be <br />selecting their patterns only. <br />Mr. Reinertasked if this could generate increased traffic in the future. Mr. Reinertson <br />said, No. He felt that if he got to the point of showing tile often he could not keep <br />up with installing it. <br />Mr. McLean asked if he would be putting up a sign and advertising. Mr. Reinertson said <br />he would need some sort of sign. Mr. McLean noted that a sign permit would be necessary. <br />
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