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04/20/1977 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
04/20/1977 P&Z Minutes
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9/29/2017 3:01:20 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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Page -2 April 20, 1977 <br />Mr. Reinertson said he had the signatures of all adjoining property owner but one on <br />his application. <br />Mr. Shearen moved to recommend to Council that this Special Use Permit be granted to <br />Mr. Reinertson for the purpose of showing sample ceramic tiles in his home and that <br />there be no storage of tiles except those transported in his vehicles. Mr. Hill sec- <br />onded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />United Tire - Ronald Rasmusson - Application for a Variance <br />United Tire was not represented tonight. Mr. Gourley moved to forward this application <br />to Council. After further;dk cussion, Mr. Gourley withdrew his motion. <br />The Clerk was directed to contact Mr. Furlong, owner of United Tire and ask that the <br />$25.00 fee be paid and that he or his representative appear at the May 18, 1977 Plann- <br />ing and Zoning Board meeting. <br />Jerry Blackbird - Variance <br />Mr. Blackbird was not in the audience and the variance was not considered. <br />Mr. Nadeau arrived at 9:00 P.M. <br />Pine Vista II Plat - Charles Nelson <br />The Board reviewed Mr. Nelson's plat plan and reviewed the recommendations of the Planner <br />and Engineer. Mr. Hill asked if there would be a problem with drainage going north to <br />the adjacent property. Mr. Nelson said, No. <br />Mr. McLean noted that lots 1 and 2 in Pine Vista I are under an acre in size and do <br />not meet requirements. Mr. Shearen noted that the road is long and could create problems. <br />Mr. Nelson said he did not want to change his concept, he wanted to retain the large <br />lots and this street provides greater privacy. He also noted that the street lends <br />itself to future development in the area and future utilities. Also Metro Council wanted <br />the lots in line for future splits. <br />After further discussion Mr. Shearen moved to recommend to Council approval of this plat <br />without lots one and two from Pine Vista I and that the 30' easement be extended along <br />the entire eastern border of lot six to match lot sever. Also easements on the west E4'57-. <br />side of lots six and seven be designated road and drainage easements and the entire ease- <br />ment on the entire southern border of the plat be designated road and drainage easements. <br />Mr. Reinert seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Don Holzmeir - Floyd Miller property <br />Mr. Holtzmeir asked if he could build on a piece of property (plat #82903, parcel 5400) <br />located near W. Rondeau Drive and 81st Avenue. This property does not have any road <br />frontage, only a 60' road easement. <br />Mr. McLean pointed out that the City Ordinances require that there be 150' frontage on <br />an established road. The Board suggested that the easement be brought up to City road <br />specifications with a cul -de -s -c and dedicated to the City. A building permit could then <br />be issued. <br />Mr. Miller explained there is a lot available on the corner of W. Rondeau and 81st. <br />
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