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02/16/1977 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
02/16/1977 P&Z Minutes
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February 16, 1977 <br />The regular meeting of the -Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called <br />to order at 8:20 P.M. by Chairman Gourley. Members present; Karth, Shearen, <br />Reinert, Nadeau, Schwankl, Hill. Absent; None. Mr. McLean was also present. <br />Mr. Neil Banta, representating Mr. Glenn Rehbein was the first to be heard. <br />Mr. Rehbein had submitted a preliminary plat for Shenandoah second addition <br />and an unnamed plat North of Birch Street. Mr. Gotwald and Mr. Short had <br />written their recommendations for these proposed plats. Both letters were <br />read. There were a number of changes suggested in both letters. <br />Mr. Reinert suggested making the changes as suggested by the Planner and <br />Engineer, obtaining the approaval of the Rice Creek Watershed District, <br />and the Anoka County Highway Department and present this as a preliminary <br />pal t. <br />There was a suggested area to be designated park area. Mr. Gourley suggested <br />this area be inspected as to how much could be used for park purposes. Mr. <br />Gourley also felt that Mr. Gotwald should be consulted as to the impact 1hi <br />plat would have on the allotted capacity in the inter eptor..1�i�.vn¢� <br />L —y �c.E'...a� � t`C� i'1..�1, C �r' t_� �. � r �"l i.L�' �I--`'9 . � 2'i i�j., �'._'..�y i.2,L'_.e J t.cC_ P <br />Mr. Shearen moved to table consideration of this proposed plat until the <br />April meeting. Seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Reinert asked Mr. Banta if he understood what is required. Mr. Banta <br />felt that he did. The Clerk was instructed to get copies of Mr. Gotwald's <br />and Mr. Short's letters to him. <br />On consideration of the proposed plat North of Birch street, Mr. Short's <br />letter suggests platting in a more imaginative manner. This proposal will <br />also need Rice Creek Watershed approval and the Anoka County Highway Dept. <br />approval. Mr. Hill moved to table this until these matters are cleared. <br />Seconded by Mr. Reinert. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Nadeau felt the street in the new plat should coincide with Ware Road, <br />not at an angle such is in this plat. Mr. Gourley felt with a little more <br />thought, a better layout could be had. <br />Mr. Banta asked if a buffer zone of some sort could be built arount the lift <br />station in Shenandoah. The general feeling of the Planning and Zoning Board <br />members was this is Metropolitan Waste Control Property and had been discussed <br />ar a meeting. He suggested Mr. Banta check this out with the Commission. <br />Mr. Luther LeVessuer had applied for a variance to split his one acre plug <br />lot into two parcels. He wants to sell the house but retain a parcel of land <br />with the storage shed. Mr. LeVessuer said he owns two lots in the plat <br />to the East that abuts the parcel he wants to retain. These lots cannot. <br />be built on since they are directly beneath the power line. <br />Mr. Shearen felt this could be approved if the Easterly parcel could be com- <br />bined with the two lots. The Clerk said she didn't know if this could be <br />done since one parcel is in an Auditor's Subdivision and the two lots are in <br />a plat. She was instructed to check this out. <br />Mr. Shearen moved to table this matter until this information is available. <br />Seconded by Mr. Reinert. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. LeVessuer was asked to provide a survey with the correct measurements. <br />
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