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01/19/1977 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
01/19/1977 P&Z Minutes
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January 19, 1977 <br />The first regular scheduled meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning <br />Board for the year 1977 was called to order at 8:06 P.M. pm January 19, 1977. <br />Members present; Gourley, Hill, Karth, Nadeau, Reinert, Shearen, Schwankl. <br />Mr. Short, Mr. Gotwald and Mr. Locher were also present. Mr McLean, Coucil <br />liaison, was also present. <br />Mr. Gourley asked Mr. McLean to introduce Mrs. Schwankl to the other ?members <br />of the Planning and Zoning Board. Mr. McLean said she had met most of the <br />members and introduced her to the others. Mr. McLean said the retiring member <br />of the Board was Mr. Arnold Kelling and: a letter of 'Thanks' has already been <br />sent to Mr. Kelling. <br />Mr. McLean presented a summary of his report to the Council on the actions <br />of the Planning and Zoning Board from the December meeting. <br />Mr. Shearen nominated Mr. Gourley for Chairman of the Planning and Zoning <br />Board. Seconded by Mr. Hill. Mr. Reinert moved to close the nominations <br />and castan unanimous, vote for Mr. Gourley. Seconded by Mr. Shearen. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Nadeau nominated Mr. Shearen as Vice -Chairman. Mr. Shearen declined the <br />nomination. Mr. Hill nominated Mr. Karth. Mr. Karth declined the nomination. <br />Mr. Gourley nominated Mr. Hill. Seconded by Mr. Shearen. Mr. Reinert moved <br />to close the nominations and cast an unanimous vote. Seconded by Mr. Nadeau. <br />motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Hill moved to approve the minutes of December 15, 1976 as presented. <br />Seconded by Mr. Nadeau. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Hansen, first on the agenda, was not present. Mrs. LuAnne Kelly's <br />application for a special use permit to operate a beauty shop in her home <br />was considered. Mrs. Kelly presented a petition with signatures of the <br />surrounding property owners. <br />Mrs. Kelly's home is located on six acres of land on West Rondeau Lake Road <br />and there are separate driveways for the home and for the shop. She said she <br />is the only operator so there could never be more than three cars there at <br />any one time. Mr. Kelly has operated a shop on 81st Street but has moved to <br />the new location. After some discussion, Mr. Reinert moved to approve the <br />special use permit. Seconded by Mrs. Schwankl. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Gordon Danks, who owns property on Section one that is cut by 20th Avenue <br />North had asked if the small parcel on the South side of the street is a <br />buildable lot. Each member has a copy of the section showing this parcel. <br />The Clerk had called the County and had the acreage computed and,depending on <br />where the south line starts, there is either 2.7 acrea or 2 acres. The general <br />consensus of the Board was that Mr. Danks would need a variance for a parcel <br />of less than 2 acres. He should have the land surveyd for accurate acreage <br />and correct legal and submit a request for a variance. The Clerk is to call <br />him with this information. <br />Mr. Hansen had arrived and the preliminary plat for Otter Lake Hills was <br />considered. The Board suggested the original plat south along the Lake also <br />be included in this overall plat. The lots in this original portion do not <br />have the required 150' frontage. There was a suggestion of possibly combining <br />three lots to make two or combining two lots into one. Mr. Hansen said there <br />has not`been a decision on just how this is to be handled. <br />
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