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01/19/1977 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
01/19/1977 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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January 19, 1977 <br />- Rage Two - <br />Mr. Gotwald explained that some consideration was being giv6n to giving all <br />residents of the area access to the channel that leads into Otter Lake. There <br />has not been a decision as to who or how this will be maintained and kept open. <br />It was felt this stipulation will have to filed with the deeds. <br />Mr. Hansen said there will be a phase one plat and a phase two plat. The <br />land abutting the oounty road will be developed first, then the interior lots <br />platted and developed. There was discussion on the advisability of making <br />two plats. Mr. Hansen felt the taxes would be too high if the lots are all <br />platted at the same time. He was informed that values cannot be changed on <br />platted land for three years and if the lots are landlocked, the value isn't <br />there to put on the land. If the streets are put in and the lots developed, <br />then the value is put on the lots. It was thought it might be less costly <br />to plat the land in its entirety. Mr. Gotwald felt this is the proper method <br />of platting this land. <br />Mr. Hill asked if there had been any consideration on the park requirement - <br />would there be land or money? Mr. Hansen said this had not been discussed at <br />this point. Mr. Hill asked if all the lots would have access to the Lake? <br />Mr. Hansen said there had been discussion of land bordering the channel to be <br />left as common land, but not as a public park. <br />Mr. Nadeau said there would be public interest in gaining access to the lake. <br />Mr. McLean reminded him there is access through Ramsey County Open Space on <br />the South end of the lake. <br />There was also discussion on a parcel of land just West of the first house on <br />Otter Lake Road - this parcel should also be included in the plat. Mr. Nadeau <br />questioned the County's requirement as to the right-of-way. Mr. Gotwald said <br />a copy has been sent to the County. The suggested changes will be incoorper- <br />ated into the plat and Mr. Hansen asked to be put on the February agenda. <br />NothNorthEast Realty had applied for two variance to parcels Of land located <br />North of Main street along Highway #8. This land had been split in 1965, but <br />the deeds were not recorded. The question of where the lot lines are was <br />discussed. The placement of the pins is a necessary action to be taken. <br />After some discussion on the application for the variance, the Board felt <br />this should be sent back to NorthNorthEast Realty for clairfication. <br />Mr. Myers, representing Drovers State Bank and Mr. Kronholm presented a <br />preliminary plat for the four unit town house located on the West side of the <br />Lake. The only problem found with the plat was the lack of 150' frontage <br />on West Shadow Lake Drive. Mr. Kronholm said there is no problem of re- <br />aligning the front line. They will redesign the lot and return. Mr. Kronholm <br />asked to be put on the February agenda. <br />Mr. Gotwald, Mr. Short, Mr. Gotwald, and Mr. Locher presented the package to <br />be submitted to the Council for review before being presented to the Metro <br />Council for their review. <br />This package dealt with the Resolution passed by the City Council in conjunc- <br />tion with the installation of the Lino Lakes Intercepter. Mr. Locher reported <br />the extension requested had been granted. <br />Mr. Gotwald presented maps designating the rural and urban service areas, and <br />the staged development in these areas. He said this is geared to the <br />Comprehensive Land Use plan as an amendment to be presented to the Metropolitan <br />
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