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11/17/1976 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
11/17/1976 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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November 17, 1976 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called <br />to order at 8:09 P.M. on November 17, 1976 by Chairman Gourley. Members <br />present: Karth, Kelling, Hill, Nadeau, Reinert, Sheaaen. Absent; None. Mr. <br />McLean, Council liaison, was also present. <br />Mr. Kelling moved to approve the minutes of October 20, 1976 as presented. <br />Seconded by Mr. Reinert. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Since the persons scheduled to appear at this time were not present, Chairman <br />Gourley recognized'Mr. Welsch. <br />Mr. Welsch owns Lot 2, Block 2, Nordin Manor and would like to construct a <br />home on that lot. However, this lot has no street, nor is there an access <br />street to the property. The easement for a proposed stree-tis only 33' in <br />width. Mr. Welsch felt that since this is a registered plat, the construction <br />of the streets aim the City's responsibility. <br />Chairman Gourley said, No, the construction.ojstreets is the responsibility <br />of the property owners. The acceptance of a plat does not include the streets <br />until they are surfaced per City specifications, inspected by the Engineer, <br />and approved by the Council for City maintenance. <br />Mr. McLean asked Mr. Welsch if there are other perple involved in this and <br />would there be a possibility of more construction on that street? Mr. Welsch <br />said, Yes. Mr. McLean then suggested to Mr. Welsch to get these people <br />together, presented a petition to the City for the installation of the street, <br />this could then be done and the costs assessed to the affected properties. <br />Mr. Welsch said he had attended this meeting to clarify just whose responsibilii <br />it is to install the street. He asked if it would be necessary to get an <br />easement for an additional 33' and was told, Yes. He will do some further <br />checking with the other property and return at a later date. <br />Mr. McLean presented his report as to the Council action taken on the <br />recommendations from the Planning and Zoning Board meeting held in October. <br />Mr. Joseph Huber had applied for two variance$'- one for each lot in the pro- <br />posed split of his land with less than 150' frontage. Since these are large <br />lots and have more than the required 2 acres, the Board felt this frontage <br />would not present a problem. Mr. Shearen moved to recommend to the Council <br />approval of these variances for two lots with less than the required 150' <br />frontage. Seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mrs. Donna Butters, representing Mr. Kammerer, who owns land at the end of <br />Marshan Lane was recognized by Chairman Gourley. Mrs. Butters had appeared <br />before this Board at an earlier date. Most of the details had been worked <br />out and Mrs. Butters presented a drawing of a cul-de-sac to.'be built so as <br />to give this property 150' frontage. There was discussion on the placement <br />of this cul-de-sac. Also, the fact this does not have to be a solid surface <br />over the entire area - the center could be left without surfacing. <br />Mr. Reinert moved to recommend approval of -this cul-de-sac to the City Council <br />with the stipulation that Mrs. Butters do this according to the City Engineer's <br />recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Nadeau. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Ghairman Gourley reported on a complaint he had received in conjunction with <br />the Molin Concrete Co.'s operations along 4th Avenue. The Clerk reported <br />she had pulled the file on this permitted operation. Mr. Volk had inspected <br />the ditch and had met with Mr. Molin and informed him of the changes that <br />
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