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11/17/1976 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
11/17/1976 P&Z Minutes
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- Page Two - <br />must be done. Mr. Mobley had also read the stipulations as to screening and <br />he will also inspect the site and consult with Mr. Molin on the screening <br />that must be done. Chairman/said he�/ would report back to the complaintant <br />on the steps being taken. (''ova 1.c-/ <br />Mr. Paul Albrect presented a preliminary plat for 130 acres located in the <br />South East corner of the City. The Clerk read the letters from Mr. William <br />Short, Planner and Mr. George Gotwald, Engineer. Mr. Pendagast, Engineer for <br />Mr. Albrect, was present and he explained that some soil borings had been <br />done but not complteted. This drawing had been done some years ago and Mr. <br />Albrect felt that it just a starting point. Mr. Pendagast said they are <br />aware of the marginal areas but felt that with the realignment of some of <br />lots, there should be ho problems. <br />Nuvciiibcl 1 / , 17i U <br />Mr. Hill remarked on the Planner's suggestion that possible the Corps of <br />Engineers would become involved with this plat. Mr. Hill moved to recommend <br />to the Council acceptance of this preliminary plat subject to compliance with <br />the Planner's and Engineer's recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Shearen. <br />Motion carried,unanimously. <br />Mr. Jerry Blackbird presented a proposal to the Board for consideration. Mr. <br />Bruce Borden plans to purchase the building located on the corner of Highway <br />#8 and Aqua Lane for the purpose of manufacturing insulation from paper. <br />They are in the process of purchasing additional land to the East for the <br />construction of storage buildings. These buildings would be colored steel <br />buildings with concrete floors and used for the storage of paper. Mr. <br />Blackbird asked what the procedure would be for the use of the land to thc <br />East and he was told it would have to be rezoned. <br />Mr. _Hill wondered if Aqua Lane would be able to handle the traffic. Mr. Kelling said <br />that street only has an oiled surface and heavy traffic would probably break it up. <br />Mr. Border was asked about the process and he explained the procedure used to turn paper <br />into, insulation.. He was asked about the noise and he said there would be a grinder and <br />a hammer mill. He plans to start with approximately 8 employees and felt that if things <br />went as he anticipated, he would triple his employees within 9 months. He would add more <br />equiptment and possible a second shift. <br />There was discussion on the type of paper used - news print; where it would be stored - <br />all inside; participate in the cost of upgrading Aqua Lane at that point - depending on <br />the status of his business at the time. <br />Some asked if there would be a problem with paper flying about. Mr. Border said, No, <br />paper with any moisture in it cannot be used in his process. Someone asked what he did <br />with paper of that quality and he said he sold it to Waldorf. Someone asked about screen- <br />ing along Aqua Lane and Mr. Kelling said the Street is too narrow for screening, it <br />creates a problem with snow drifts. Mr. Blackbird was advised to get the necessary forms <br />and apply for rezoning. <br />Mr. Blackbird asked about obtaining a building permit at the end of 79th Street. Since <br />the street endSat the beginning of the lot, it was suggested that a cul-de=sac be installed <br />onto the lot to provide the necessary 150' frontage. Mr. Blackbird will consider this. <br />Mr. Glenn Rehbein appeared before the Board with a request to use a 33' easement off Highway <br />8 just North of Rice Creek for access to property located along l35W. Mr. Rehbein said they <br />{kM e access to the property through lands they own to the South but would have to construct <br />a bridge of some sort across Rice Creek and they would like to avoid this if possible. <br />
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