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10/20/1976 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
10/20/1976 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Meeting Type
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October 20, 1976 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called to order <br />at 8:08 P.M. October 20, 1976 by Chairman Gourley. Members present: Kelling, E. <br />Karth, Gourley, Nadeau, Hill. Members absent: Shearen and Reinert. Mr. McLean, <br />Council liaison was also present. <br />Mr. Gourley explained to the audience that the name plates on the desk did not apply <br />to the people presently seated. <br />Mr. Kelling moved to approve the minutes of September 15, 1976. Mr. Karth seconded <br />the motion. Mr. Nadeau noted that the police report on page 4 paragraph 3 was not <br />complete. The paragraph should include; "the police report stated that Chief Myhre <br />had observed the properties of Joe LaCasse, Jr., L. & B. Tree Service, Vincent Knopik, <br />and Henry Miersand noted the time observed and his findings. The Board did not take <br />any further action." Mr. Kelling amended the motion to include the above paragraph. <br />Motion carried. <br />Mr. Gourley presented the September 29, 1976 special meeting minutes. He noted <br />the changes on page I, paragraph 8 to include "District map for area I & 2" and <br />paragraph 11, page I changing the word control to guide. Mr. Nadeau stated that <br />a paragraph should be added noting; "Mr. Nadeau had stated that he felt the spec- <br />ial meetings were called for the purpose of discussing the business relating to the <br />Metropolitan Council demands and he reprimanded Mr. Gourley for inviting private <br />citizens to appear for reasons other than the planned agenda.' Mr. Nadeau moved to <br />accept the minutes as amended. Mr. Karth seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Gourley presented the October 13, 1976 special meeting minutes. The last para- <br />graph on page I was discussed. It was suggested that the paragraph should read, <br />"This acreage is not as likely to be developed in the immediate future.' Mr. Kelling <br />noted that Green Acres is documented proof of usage. After further discussion the <br />Board decided that it would not do any good to change the minutes. Mr. Karth moved <br />to approve the minutes as written. Mr. Hill seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />Ronald Van Kleek <br />Mr. Van Kleek presented a request for a variance to builda new home on a lot of less <br />than 21 acres and without the required 150' frontage. Mr. Van Kleek's lot has front- <br />age of 69' on a 33' roadway easement. <br />Mr. Hill asked who owned the triangle shape lot fronting on Peltier Drive. Mr. Kell- <br />ing and Mrs. Anderson checked the assessors records and could not definitely deter- <br />mine who owned this lot. The Board suggested to Mr. Van Kleek that the simplest <br />thing to do is to buy the frontage property and then a variance would not be required. <br />Mr. Hill asked if the driveway easement is on the lot line and also is it on the <br />frontage property making a total of 66' easement. This was not determined. Mr. <br />McLean suggested that Mr. Locher could clear up this matter. It was also suggested <br />to Mr. Van Kleek that he and the lot owner to the north obtain ank dditional 33' <br />and construct a 66' wide City approved road across both lots. Then a variance could <br />be granted for a building permit. <br />Mr. Baber <br />Mr. Baber presented a map showing six lots of more than 22 acres and 4 lots with <br />150' frontage or more. Mr. Nadeau noted the two lots with existing homes. Mr. <br />M. Lean noted that 2 lots have less than 150' frontage. Mr. Baber explained that <br />the easement is a private easement for the use of the two adjoining property owners. <br />
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