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10/20/1976 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
10/20/1976 P&Z Minutes
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9/29/2017 3:44:07 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Meeting Type
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Page -2- October 20, 1976 <br />Mr. Baber elssplained to the Board that this is not a plat but a division by meets <br />and bounds and will be recorded as such. <br />Mr. Gourley said Mr. Baber would need a variance for the two lots of less than '50' <br />frontage. Mr. Baber was given the variance forms. <br />Mr. Chollett <br />Mr. Chollet has applied for a special use permit to park a mobile home on his property <br />for temporary use while his new home is being constructed. He stated his house will <br />be started later this week. A well is presently being dug. Mr. Gourley asked how long <br />he felt he would need the mobile home. Mr. Chollet felt he would be in his new home <br />by July, 1977. Mr. Gourley felt there should be a time limit on the special use <br />permit. Mr. Nadeau asked about the shape of the lot. Mr. Chollet stated he had <br />a variance for the lot. <br />Mr. Chollet said the mobile would be located in a grove of trees and partially screened <br />from view. After further discussion, Mr. Nadeau moved to recommend to the Council <br />that the special use permit be granted with the understanding that the mobile home <br />is to be moved out of the property by July, 1977:' Mr. Karth seconded the motion. <br />Motion carried. <br />Mr. & Mrs. Schlavin <br />Mr. & Mrs. Schlavin presented a request for permission to split their lot on Linda <br />and Laurene Streets into two lots. After discussion the Board.told them that they <br />need two variances, one for each lot of less than 22 acres with full legal descript- <br />ion of both lots. Mr. Kelling moved to recommend to the Council that two variances <br />with proper legal descriptions of each lot, proper forms completed and receipt of <br />the required fee for each lot be granted. Mr. Karth seconded the motion. Motion <br />carried. <br />Mr. Cheeseborough <br />Mr. Cheeseborough explained his need for a construction trailer unit for office space <br />only. He also showed the Board a picture of the unit. He further stated he would <br />need the unit for only a couple of years until he can afford to build a permanent <br />structure. He also said there is presently a pole structure on the property. Mr. <br />McLean asked for c!arification on the location of the property. Mr. Cheeseborough <br />explained. <br />Mr. Gourley returned Mr. Cheeseborough application for special use permit. Mr. Cheese - <br />borough needs the signature.of his neighbor to the North. Mr. Kelling said he is not <br />against acting on this matter tonight but would want several stipulations in the <br />motion. <br />Mr. Nadeau asked if this is commercial property. He was told it is not. <br />The Board told Mr. Cheeseborough that they need more time to consider this matter. <br />Mr. Kelling informed him he will need to consider a special use permit or rezoning. <br />Mr. Gourley said that he will be on the agenda for November 17, 1976 if he can re- <br />turn his application for variance at least 10 days before the meeting. <br />Mr. Koob - Not present <br />Mr. Kruger - Not present <br />
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