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07/21/1976 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
07/21/1976 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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July 21, 1976 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called to <br />order at 8:05 P.M. by Chairman Gourley. Members present; Keliing, Nadeau, <br />Reinert, Shearen. Absent; Karth, Hill. Mr. McLean was also present. <br />Mr. Keiling moved to approve the minutes of June 16, 1976 as presented. Second- <br />ed by Mr. Shearen. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Consideration of Kolstad's Air Park was first on the agenda. The Clerk read <br />a letter from the Rice Creek Watershed Board giving their approval with some <br />stipulations for grading in the North East quadrant. Mr. Gotwald had also <br />written his recommendations which included; street easements each quarter mile <br />to the North and South so as to not land lock the property abutting this plat; <br />bituminous curb on the lot side of the street; relocation of drainage ditches; <br />a sign and traffic outline with signs to be installed by the developer; a compl- <br />ete set of drainage plans, showing runoff, culvert sized and street design; c^rnr(- <br />ents and approvals from the Department of Aeronautics. Mr. Gotwald also recomm- <br />ended this Board discuss air zoning restrictions east and west of this proposed <br />air park. <br />Mr. Reinert asked the maximum size plane that could land on this strip and Mr. <br />Kolstad said this would be a light twin engine plane. Mr. Kolstad said the air- <br />strip is a public restricted air strip and will only operate in the daylight <br />hours. He said emergency landing are permitted but no others. <br />Mr. Kolstad was asked if there would be any control at this strip and he said, <br />No. Mr. Kolstad said that95% of the planes using this strip would be of the <br />single engine type and these planes can take off in approximately 600 feet. <br />The area will have zoning restrictions as to the size and type of house and the <br />size of the private hangers. Mr. Koistad said they wanted to avoid the constr- <br />uction of hangers large enough to have rental space. <br />Mr. Reinert asked if the F.A.A. would hold hearings on this strip and Mr. Kolstad <br />said, No, it is not required. He said they are interested in his distance from <br />existing airports and he meets those requirements. <br />Mr. Keiling wondered if it wouldn't be proper to have the adjoining property <br />owners sign as to their approval of this installation. This Board needs a letter <br />from the Planner and also a letter of intent from MAC. <br />Mr. McLean asked if there had been any thought of the requirement for a park in <br />the area? Mr. Koistad said he felt the lots were large enough so as to provide <br />plenty of open space without a park. But he would comply with the wishes of this <br />Board and the Council, Land or money, either way. Mr. Kolstad said there is an <br />operation such as he is planning in Webster, Wis. Would the Board like a letter <br />from that City as to how it is working there? The Board agreed this would be <br />valuable in making their decision. Mr. Kolstad said he would get this for them. <br />Mr. Shearen felt that a recommendation from the Planner and the road easements <br />to the North and South are needed for his decision. <br />Mr. Keliing moved to approve this plat with the stipulation the recommendation <br />of the Planner and the Engineer be met. After some discussion, Mr. Shearen sec- <br />onded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Koistad and Mr. Stanley presented the preliminary plat for Sunset Oaks. They <br />
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