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07/21/1976 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
07/21/1976 P&Z Minutes
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9/29/2017 3:41:28 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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Page -2- July 21, 1976 <br />explained the planned development of this area. The area is platted to take in- <br />to consideration future utilities. The larger lots are so located they may be <br />split into 8 parcels with the installation of a street and the smaller lots split <br />into 6 parcels by installing a street on every other property line. Mr. Stanley <br />said the homes would be built so as to make these splits possible. <br />There was discussion on the possibilities of this concept with the Board asking <br />for letters from the Engineer and Planner. A copy to be sent to the Rice Creek <br />Watershed Board and soil boring date available for these consultants. Mr. Kolstad <br />said he would get the information. The Clerk was instructed to put this matter <br />on the agenda for August. <br />Mrs. Butters appeared before the Board seeking permission to install a street <br />to a tract of land east of the end of Marshan Lane. This is the last parcel of <br />land, the land to the East is part of the open space and the land to the North <br />is owned by Mr. Funkhouser. There had been discussion of a joint entry so as <br />to not landiock the land to the North. Mr. Funkhouser had expressed a desire to <br />purchase this tract of land to leave as open land. <br />Mr. Kelling suggested the street and cul-de-sac be put on this land. The street <br />to be put on the easement and the cul-de-sac curved to the South, thus being <br />contained within this parcel. <br />The Board felt the intent of this Board should be made known to Mr. Funkhouser. <br />Mr. Nadeau moved to instruct the Clerk to write a letter to Mr. Funkhouser making <br />the intent of this Board known to him and ask for his response irnmediatety. <br />Seconded by Mr. Kelling. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Kelly appeared before the Board with Mr. Floyd Miller. Mr. Miller has a par- <br />cel of land that Mr. Kelly is interested in buying but the only access to the <br />land is a 66' easement for street purposes. Mr. Kelly was told he would have to <br />surface that street easement and what ever portion is extended into the acreage. <br />There was a suggestion this street be extended into a cul-de-sac thus making <br />more land available for development. iir. Miller and Mr. Kelly will take this <br />suggestion into consideration and return with a proposal. <br />Mr. lsackson of 6450 Otter Lake Road had asked for a variance to construct a <br />garage within five feet of his property line. He had obtained the signatures of <br />the land owners on either side of his property. The Board felt the other pro- <br />perty owner should be notified and asked for his feelings in this matter. The <br />Clerk was instructed to write to Mr. Hanson and inform him of this request and <br />ask him for his opinions. <br />Mr. Nadeau moved to have Chief Myhre check out the three names he had presented <br />at the last Board meeting and to also check on the use of Mr. Brokke's. This in- <br />formation is to be passed onto the Council for possible action. Seconded by Mr. <br />Shearen. Motion carried unanimously. <br />The revised special use form was discussed. The Hoard had agreed on the new form <br />but had a question on the 2/3rd signature requirement. Mr. Nadeau moved the <br />Clerk check this requirement with the Attorney and report back to the Board. <br />Seconded by Mr. Shearen. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Chairman Gourley said that in conjunction with the Resolution passed dealing <br />with the Metropolitan Council requirements, an outline must be formulated by <br />
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