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06/08/1976 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
06/08/1976 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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June 8, 1976 <br />A special meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called <br />to order at 7:40 P.M. by Chairman Gourley. Members present; Kelling, <br />Karth, Shearen. Council members present; McLean, Karth, Schneider, <br />Zelinka and Mayor Bohjanen. Mr. James Barton and Mr. Lee Starr were <br />representing the Planning and Advisory Board of the Metropolitan Council. <br />Mr. Kelling moved to approve the minutes of the May 26, 1976 meeting as <br />presented. Seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Barton presented a more detailed outline of the steps to be takedVr <br />by this City in conjunction with the installation of the Force Main <br />Interceptor. He said the requirement for a minimum 10 acre lot is being <br />looked into with a possibility of a revision in that area. <br />Mr. Starr said the City must divided into urban areas and rural areas - <br />one would define the area to be slii4444 by the intreceptor for the next <br />10 to 15 years. This would be the area of urban service and based on the <br />current lot size requirement of 11,250 square feet per lot, this would <br />result in 2.7 units per acre. Using this figure as a base, the urban <br />service area would include acreage to be servied to a capacity of 700 <br />units. <br />Mr. Shearn# asked if the S,A,C, is to be reviewed and Mr. Barton said this <br />is up to the City. He said the S.A.C. are only in areas designated as the <br />urban service area. <br />Mr. McLean asked about the people outside the area who have already paid <br />the S.A.C. Mr. Barton said the Metropolitan Waste Control is working on <br />this at this time but a decision has not been made at this time. <br />Mr. Starr thought this matter should be decided within the next year. <br />Mr. McLean asked if the matter of who pays the S.A.C. and who receives <br />a refund shouldn't be part of this plan and Mr. Barton said this would <br />be a good place to put it - when the sewer plan is redefined. <br />Mr. Starr said the urban service area will have to be staged in development <br />Certain areas will be served in the next 10 years and a portion will not <br />receive service for 11 to 15 years. In the areas to be serviced within <br />the next ten years, the City would not allow any plats unless there is <br />sewer service.In the area to be served from 11 to 15 years homes with <br />on-site septic systems could be allowed on lots with a minimum of one <br />acre and restrict plats unless ss -eras are available. <br />Mr. McLean asked about plats with a one acre minimum lot. Mr. Barton <br />thought this would be in conflict with the planned staging in development. <br />Mr. Starr said they are suggesting a moratorium on all building permits <br />for the next six months in order to give the Planning and Zoning Board <br />and the Council time to get the Ordinance revised without pressures for <br />approval of plats before the new regulations take effect. <br />There were several suggestions on this point, 1) to only restrict building <br />in the area affected by the interceptor, 2) restrict all building, 3) allow <br />some permits on a limited basis. Mr. Barton said this matter should be <br />worked out with the Attorney. <br />
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