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05/26/1976 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
05/26/1976 P&Z Minutes
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9/29/2017 3:39:25 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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Page Two- May 26, 1976 <br />$3,000.00 to revise the Comprehensive Land Use Plan that has not been <br />budgeted. <br />Mr. Shearen asked how this assistance is computed is it on a percentage <br />basis? Mr. Barton said the would be based on the costs incurred by the <br />staff in their assistance to the City. <br />Step I is the necessity for passing the Resolution setting forth the <br />intentions of the City. <br />Step II. -will be to determine the area thatwill be served by the inter- <br />ceptor and designate this as the interim service area and all other areas <br />will be designated as a rural service area. There are several ways to control <br />the development in the rural service area such as the adoption of a soils <br />map as part of,the zoning ordinance. If a developer can substantiate on-site <br />system workability, the project could proceed. <br />Mr. McLean asked if a decision such as this would not then void the map? <br />Is there any implication the Metropolitan Council can then step in and stop <br />the project? <br />'Mr. Starr said, No. Mr. Barton said if the workability can be proven, the <br />map could be overridden. <br />Mr. Starr said another tool is a wetlands protection zone - to exempt these <br />areas from development. This might also be included in the soil restriction <br />map. <br />There <br />was discussion of zoning land as agricultural in relationship to the <br />suggested denesity of an area. Some felt this would deter a farmer from <br />doing anything with his land except farming. <br />Mr. Zelinka felt the City is meeting the requirements and now need specifics <br />not generalities. <br />Mr. Barton said they are not saying the City is wrong. Mr. Zelinka said he <br />didn't expect to see which ordinance are wrong but which ordinance the <br />Metropolitan Council would like to see in the way of revisions or changes. <br />There was discussion on the septic tank regulations and what this would <br />include. Mr. Zelinka said at one meeting the statement was made, that if <br />a system is pumped too often, it would have to be replaced. Mr. Zelinka <br />has his system pumped approximately once a year, Would this indicate hi.; <br />system should be replaced? <br />Mr. Barton said this would seem to be preventative maintenance. He said <br />the Metropolitan Council has model ordinances that covers areas not covered <br />by the State Code and includes monitoring of existing systems. <br />Mr. McLean questioned the method of monitoring the existing system - who <br />does the inspection? who pays for this? and how? Mr. Barton said the method <br />is set by the ordinance and the home owner pays one way or another. He said <br />it could be put on the taxes. <br />Mayor Bohjanen asked for a definition of the S.A.C. How can people be <br />asked to pay this charge in areas where they will never get sewers? Will <br />these persons get a refund of the monies already paid? and will they get <br />interest on their money? <br />
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