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05/19/1976 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
05/19/1976 P&Z Minutes
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Page 2 4 May 19, 1976 <br />Mr. Nadeau felet the* MOP. Brokke hada etthq bought the property thinking it wa* <br />commercial believing** mutt use the Land for thst purpose (Mr. Nadeau felt <br />he could get his money back if the tend ihad been sold under these conditions) or <br />he knowingly bought the land end felt he could use It for commercial purposes. <br />Mr. Karth said he is only asking for a special use permit for just nine months <br />and Mr. Nadeau replied that Mr. Brokke isn't going to comply to the special use <br />permit. Mr. Karth noted, if at the end of the special use permit he hasn't <br />complied with the stipulations, the Planning and Zoning Board would handle the <br />problem at that time. <br />Mr. Nadeau said Mr. Brokke could use the driveway on the Centerville side of the <br />property. Mr. Brokke said the property has piles of dirt and debris and is being <br />cleared by W. & G. Rehbein. If he used the Centerville driveway, his vehicles <br />would interfer with the clearing away of this material. <br />Mr. Kelling asked Mr. Brokke if the special use permit is granted, will he move <br />the vehicles back far enough so they are on the Centerville property? <br />Mr. Brokke said there is a pipe marked in the street and he has told the drivers <br />they must be beyond that marker. Mr. Brokke felt that the trucks are being <br />parked on the Centerville property. <br />Mr. Kelling said the Board had Listened to both men and had neither believed nor <br />'isbelieved either man, but felt that enough information had been heard to come <br />a reasonable conclusion. <br />��. Brokke interrupted to say that he had considered buying land from Mr. Nadeau. <br />The asking price was $1000.00 per acre but when contacted for a contract for deed, <br />Mr. Nadeau was asking $3500.00 per acre and wanted cash. Mr. Brokke said the land <br />would not pass a perc test. This is the only reason he contacted the people in <br />Centervitie and purchased their land. Mr. Brokke felt that Mr. Nadeau knew what <br />the land was to be used for when he was contacted to sell. <br />Mr. Kelling repeated this Board should come to some conclusion. Mr. Nadeau said <br />the issue is not clarified. He felt Mr. Brokke is using a residence as a comm- <br />ercial establishment in a residential area. He has his telephone listed at that <br />address and also has a sign attached to his mailbox, and Mr. Nadeau felt this <br />constituted a commercial usage. <br />Mr. Brokke was told the parking of the 9000# pick up in his driveway is a <br />violation of the Ordinance which limits the weight to 7000#. There has been <br />c. -me discussion on the revision of this ordinance, but it has not been considered <br />Eo date. <br />r. Hill moved to recommend to the Council this special use permit be approved <br />r;'ith the stipulation that all vehicles over 7000# gross weight be parked on the <br />Centerville property using the Lino Lakes property for access purposes onty and <br />this special use permit will expire December 31, 1976. The existing sign to be <br />checked by the Building Inspector. Motion was seconded by Mr. Karth. <br />Mr. Nadeau asked if there is to be a limit on the cars to be parked at the <br />property? Mr. Karth said there is no law that says the number of vehicles parked <br />at a certain location can be limited. ` <br />Mr. Karth called for the vote. Motion carried with all present voting in favor <br />with Mr. Nadeau abstaining. <br />
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