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04/21/1976 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
04/21/1976 P&Z Minutes
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9/29/2017 3:39:11 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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- Page One - <br />(eT7-) <br />April 21, 1976 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was <br />called to order at 8:25 P.M. on April 21, 1976 by Chairman Gourley. <br />Members present; Karth, Nadean, Shearen. Absent; Hill, Kelling, <br />Houle. Mr. McLean was also present. <br />The minutes of March 17, 1976 were corrected as follows; paragraph <br />4, add the following motion "Mr. Hill moved to recommend approval <br />of this request to the Council. Seconded by Mr. Houle. Motion <br />carried with Mr. Nadeau abstaining." <br />Mr. Nadeau moved to approve the minutes of March 17, 1976 as correct- <br />ed. Seconded by Mr. Shearen. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Carey appeared before the Planning and Zoning Board requesting <br />a special use permit for the operation of a saw sharpening business <br />to be located at his home at 490 Pine Street. <br />Mr. Karth asked what the hours of operation would be and Mr. Carey <br />(:aid in the evenings - probably until around 9:00 or 10:00 P.M. <br />'fr. Carey was asked about the noise created by this operation and <br />:2e said there would be very little - on the same order as a lawn <br />nower. Mr. Carey said he has 10 acres and his immediate neighbors <br />a: -e not that close. <br />M. McLean asked if he would have a sign advertising his business <br />+nd Mr. Carey said a small one that would be mounted on top of the <br />aailbox - approximately 6"x28". <br />Mr. Nadeau moved to recommend to the Council approval of the special <br />use permit with the:rfzinimum size on the sign. Seconded by Mr. <br />Shearen. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Larry Brokke appeared before the Board asking procedural infor- <br />mation on property he is buying in Lino Lakes. Mr. Brokke is in <br />the tree removal business anti as such has vans, pick up trucks and <br />several dump trucks. The property he has purchased is in Lino <br />Lakes but he has also purchased property directly to the North which <br />$ in Centerville. He plans to erect a pole building for storage <br />and an office building on the Centerville property. In the meantime, <br />he needs to use the property in Lino Lakes for parking of the vehicle: <br />He will also be conducting his business from that location until <br />:.uch time as the other buildings are constructed. <br />Nr. Bakke was asked if any mechanical work would be done at the <br />location and he said possibly oil changes but not any major work. <br />Mr. Nadeau objected to this use of the area. He felt the commercial <br />area from Centerville is spilling over into a residentail area in <br />Lino Lakes. Mr. Henry Heirs, the former owner, conducted approximate <br />the same type of operation such as parking his vehicles at that <br />location, and Mr. Nadeau felt this should not have neen allowed and <br />he would object to granting permission for this use to be continued. <br />The Board felt Mr. Brokke should apply for a special use permit with <br />a time stipulation as to just how long he felt he would need to use <br />this property to park the vehicles. The Clerk is to check with the <br />
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