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04/21/1976 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
04/21/1976 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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- Page Two - April 21, 1976 <br />Attorney on this operation. <br />Mr. Jerry Blackbird, representing North-NorthEast Realty, presented <br />the Board with preliminary sketch for the Pine Haven Plat located <br />just North of Main Street and East of Highway 8. This plat had <br />been presented previously, but had been postponed by the developer. <br />The size of the lots, the price range of the homes, the water table <br />and the many facets of this proposal were discussed. Mr. Blackbird <br />was asked to leave three copies of the sketch. The Clerk will for- <br />ward them to the Engineer and the Planner for their comments and <br />recommendations. Mr. Blackbird will also drop some brochures of <br />the planned homes at the Clerk's office. <br />iir. Shearen move to recommend thismatter be forwarded to the <br />rngineer and the Planner for their recommendations. Seconded by <br />rf.r. Karth. Motion carried. <br />Hallblade, who owns lots on Maple Street, appeared asking the <br />•rocedure for splitting a lot into either two or three lots. There <br />wzs discussion as to how far the street is a dedicated street and <br />if it would be necessary for Mr. Hallblade to present this as a plat. <br />Me general consensus of the Board was this matter should be referred <br />to the Attorney and the Engineer. Mr. Volk should be consulted as <br />to the time table for the extension of Maple Street and just how <br />!rr it will extend. The Board also felt since the depth of the lot <br />.s quite shallow, it would probably be required to split this piece <br />of land into two parcels rather than three. <br />after talking to the Attorney and the Engineer, the Clerk is to <br />relay any information to Mr. Hallblade. <br />Mr.. William Koob appeared seeking permission to park a mobile home <br />on property he owns on West Rondeau Lake Road for his partner while <br />home is being constructed. Mr. Koob owns a portion of the land <br />-nd is buying more on a contract for deed and the total land in- <br />volved being approximately 30 acres. He has the necessary frontage <br />on West Rondeau Lake Drive but a variance for the length of the <br />driveway will be required. <br />r'r. Koob will be doing most of the construction together with his <br />i:3rtner and it could be one to one and one half years before the <br />home is completed. <br />He was told this Board has been very reluctant to grant such permits. <br />This has been done in cases of terminal illness and when actual <br />construction is being done and then only for one year. <br />Mr. Koob saiid he is also planning a deep well to be used for <br />irrigation. He was told he would have to file an application with <br />the Rice Creek Watershed Board. The Clerk will contact Mr. Cardinal <br />for the necessary papers. <br />Mr. Koob has a small pond of water that he would like to drain and <br />refill. The Watershed Board will also have to be notified of this <br />action. <br />
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