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01/21/1976 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
01/21/1976 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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- Page 1 - January 21, 1976 <br />The first regular scheduled Planning and Zoning Board meeting <br />for the year 1976 was called to order at 8:05 P.M. January 21, <br />1976 by Mr. Karth. Board members present; Gourley, Hill, Karth, <br />Kelling, Nadeau, Shearen. Absent: Houle. <br />Mr. Karth turned the meeting over to Mr. McLean, Council liaison <br />for the conduction of the election for Chairman and Vice -Chairman. <br />Mr. McLean opened the nominations for Chairman. <br />Mr. Karth nominated Mr. Gourley for Chairman. Seconded by Mr. <br />Kelling. Mr. McLean asked if there was further nominations. There <br />ries none. Mr. Shearen moved to close the nominations. Seconded <br />by Mr. Kelling. Motion carried. the vote for Mr,, Gourley was <br />unanimous. <br />Mr. McLean opened the nominations for Vice -Chairman. Mr. Shearen <br />nominated Mr. Nadeau. Seconded by Mr. Kelling. Mr. McLean asked <br />for further nominations. There was none. Mr. Shearen moved to <br />close the nominations. Seconded by Mr. Hill. Motion carried. <br />The vote for Mr. Nadeau was unanimous. <br />Mr. Gourley assumed the Chairman's chair. <br />Mt. Kelling moved to approve the minutes of December 17, 1975 as <br />presented. Seconded by Mr. Hill. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Clinkenbeard appeared before the Planning and Zoning Board to <br />discuss a license to operate a taxi in Lino Lakes. He had obtained <br />a copy of the Ordinance from the Clerk's office and found no pro- <br />blem conforming to the requirements except in the Section that <br />requires the emblem of the company to be placed on the rear doors. <br />Mr. Clinkenbeard said that all cab companies have the emblems on <br />the front doors. <br />Mr. Hill asked what company Mr. Clinkenbeard was affiliated with <br />at the present time and Mr. Clinkenbeard said, 'Diamond Cab Co.' <br />He owns his own vehicle and is living in the Baldwin Lake Trailer <br />Court. He plans to operate from that location, and will operate <br />only with the City of Lino Lakes. He said he had talked with the <br />Circulating Pines and will be getting some publicity on his pro- <br />posed operation. Mr. Clinkenbeard is aware of the necessity for <br />a ,license from each City that he operates withih. He has plans <br />to expand into several of the North area communities. In time <br />he hopes to have a fleet of vehicles. <br />Mr. Karth asked where he would garage the cars. At the present <br />time, the one vehicle would be kept at his residence in the Park. <br />Mr. Karth felt that if there is a fleet of cars, a proper place <br />for storage will have to be found and Mr. Clinkenbeard agreed. <br />Mr. Clinkenbeard was questioned as to''his rates and he assured the <br />Board that he would be charging hha standard rates of the Twin <br />City area. At the present time, he is operating out of the Airport <br />will be unable to continue past April since vehicles four years <br />old and older are not allowed to operate at that location. <br />
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