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01/21/1976 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
01/21/1976 P&Z Minutes
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9/29/2017 3:32:43 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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- Page 3 - January 21, 1976 <br />Mr. Glen Simons was present. He has a home in LaMotte's Second <br />Addition adjacent to Centerville Lake. When he bought the <br />property, Mr. LaMotte had told him there was a 60' wide parcel <br />of land that was public property and would give him access to <br />the lake. He asked the Board if this was true. <br />There is an outlot in that Addition that has been deeded to the <br />City and is probably the parcel in question. Mr. McLean could <br />not remember any discussion of upgrading that land for public <br />use. <br />Mr. Simon said it does present a danger in the form of a ditch <br />that fills with water. He suggested a culvert of some sort. <br />The land is overgrown with weeds in the summer. Maybe some <br />grading and mowing or something coud be done so the land could <br />at least be walked across. <br />Mr. Kelling suggested that a neighborhood Park Association be <br />formed. He said most of the Parks in the City have had help <br />from groups such as this. The people put their thoughts together <br />and take them to the Park Board. When the City of short of funds <br />the people must help themselves, even if only in the form of <br />getting some lawn mowers together and cutting the weeds. <br />Mr. Simon agreed and said he would see what he could do. We <br />will contact the Park Board. <br />Under Old Baelness, Mr. Karth felt that Forjay had not complied <br />with the requirements that had neen in the original approval of <br />that installation. There is landscaping, fencing, shrubbery, <br />and an additional driveway. This should be brought up to date, <br />He thought- this board should recommend to the Council that <br />Forjay comply with plans presented at the time of planning. <br />The Clerk was instructed to get the file folder on this operation <br />and have available for the Council. <br />Mr. Hill felt that Skyline Autobody and Restoration Enterprises <br />have not fully complied with the stipulations as set forth by <br />this Board. <br />Under new business, Mr. McLean presented some goals for this <br />Board for the year 1976. He thought the Sign Ordinance should <br />be reviewed and revised in order to make it more workable. The <br />Comprehensive Land Use Plan must be reviewed and up -dated. The <br />Zoning Ordinance needs some work especially on the cul-de-sac <br />requirements. There was also some discussion of the Ramsey <br />County proposal in regards to the Huber property on Bald Eagle <br />Lake. <br />Mr. McLean asked the Clerk to provide all members with copies of <br />the Sign Ordinance, Zoning Ordinance, Utility Ordinances and <br />a copy of the agreement with Anoka County on Open Space. <br />
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