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12/17/1975 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
12/17/1975 P&Z Minutes
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- Page 2 - December 17, 1875 <br />Motion was seconded by Mr. Houle. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Chairman Karth closed the hearing for rezoning the above described <br />property at 8:15 P.M. <br />Mr. Bill Short .member of the Beckman Yoder Associates Planning <br />Firm, was present. He advised the Board that Mr. Lee Starr is no <br />longer with that firm and that he will be filling in for Mr. Starr. <br />Mr. Starr is now a member of the Metro Council Advisory Staff on <br />planning. Mr. Short had nothing id present but will stay for the <br />meeting. <br />Mr. Saber, representating Mr. Joseph and Mortimer Huber, presented <br />a proposal for the acquisition of land located along Bald Eagle <br />Boulevard and directly in back of the Huber home by the Open Space <br />Commission. The Iand is used for the propagation of wild geese at <br />this time and the Hubers are proposing to sell the land to the Open <br />Space program with the understanding that the current use will <br />prevail. The land will only be purchased for Open Space if there <br />are no objections from the Lino Lakes City Council. This is the <br />purpose of his appearance. Mr. Baber would like a statement from <br />this Board that they have no objections to this sale recorded in <br />the minutes. <br />Mr. Kelling asked if the land use would continue to be for the wild <br />geese and Mr. Baber siad, Yes. At present, there is between 200 <br />and 300 geese that fly in and out of that area. <br />Mr. Shearen asked if the Open Space people had approached the Huber <br />and Mr. Babes said, Ho, that he had contacted them for the Hubers. <br />Mr. Shearen said at the present ime, there is 2500 acres of land <br />dedicated to Open Space in Lino Lakes. He was under the impression <br />that this is all that is be acquired in Lino Lakes, Mr. Shearen <br />also questioned the 200 feet along Bald Eagle Boulevard - is this <br />buildable property? If so, it should be deleted. <br />There was discussion of the loss of revenue with this land being <br />removed from the tax rolls. Mr. Baber said the purchase would not <br />be made if there were objections. <br />Mr, Hill asked if this was the Ramsey County Open Space and Mr. <br />Baber said, Yes. <br />Chairman Karth questioned one County buying in another County for <br />their open space program. Mr. Kelling felt this is an entirely <br />legal procedure. Ramsey County can go to the State or the Federal <br />governments and have them buy it for them, if the City objects. <br />Mr. Baber agreed and said the Hubers wanted this done with the <br />approval of the communities involved and avoid getting into this <br />sort of procedure. Mr. Haber pointed out this is a negotiated <br />sale instigated by the owners. <br />Mr. Hill asked if Ramsey County would guarantee this land would <br />continue in it's present use and Mr. Baber,said, Yes. <br />Mr. Locher akked how many acres of this land is located in Lino Lakes and Mr. <br />Babes said approximately 10 acres. Mr. Locher felt tit Anoka County should be <br />aware of these plans. Mr. Locher was a))o concerned that this is just the <br />beginning of land acquisition in Lino Lakes for the Ramsey County Open Space. <br />Mr. Kelling asked if Ramsey County would reimburse Anoka County for the tax loss <br />on this property for the next five years.. Mr. Baber felt they ,would. <br />
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