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11/19/1975 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
11/19/1975 P&Z Minutes
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9/29/2017 3:31:37 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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1 L L <br />NOVEMBER 19, 1975 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was <br />called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Chairman Karth. Members present: <br />Kelting, Shearan, Nadeau, Houle and Gourley. Absent: Hill. Councilman <br />Marier was also present. <br />The minutes of the October 15, 1975 were approved on a motion by Mr. <br />Kelting and seconded by Mr. Shearan. Motion carried. <br />The first item on the agenda was a request for a variance from Mr. Harold M. <br />Hansen to sell fess than 21 acres of land to his son, Marlin H. Hansen. <br />The variance is needed because there is also less than 150 front feet on <br />an established roadway. <br />Mr. Edwin lsakson, the only other property owner who would be affected <br />was notified by mail November 11, 1975 of Mr. Hansen's intent to sell <br />this parcel. As of the P&Z Meeting, Mr. lsakson has not come forward <br />to object to this sale. <br />Mr. Shearan asked if the frontage was on the East End of the existing <br />cul-de-sac and Mr. Hansen confirmed that it was. <br />Mr. Hansen said that his son will own both lots as shown on the survey <br />when the sale is completed and that he intends to build on the larger <br />of the two lots. <br />Mr. Hill arrived at 8:10 P.M.) <br />Mr. Karth asked if he intends to make the two lots one and have only <br />one legal description for the lot. <br />Mr. Hansen said that was the intent of his son and himself. <br />Mr. Kelting moved to recommend to the City Council that this variance <br />to Ordinance 21 A be allowed and that the following legal description <br />be used: <br />The East 100 feet of the West 710 feet of that part of <br />Government Lot 7, Section 36, Town 31 North, Range 22 <br />West, Anoka County, Minnestoa lying South of the North <br />1031.85 feet thereof; Together with a road easement of <br />record <br />AND <br />That part of Government Lot 7, Section 36, Township 31 North, <br />Range 22 West, Anoka County, Minnesota lying southerly of the <br />North 1031.86 feet, easterly of the West 710 feet and <br />Westerly of the center line of an existing channel the center <br />line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point <br />on the West line of Government Lot 7; tnence East and parallel <br />with the north line of said Government Lot 7 a distance of <br />899 feet to the'center_lin'e-of existing channel! thence south- <br />westerly, angle to left 70 degrees 00100" tothe south line of <br />said Government Lot 7 o there terminating, Together with <br />a road easement of record. <br />
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