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11/19/1975 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
11/19/1975 P&Z Minutes
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9/29/2017 3:31:37 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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-2- NOVEMBER 19, 1975 <br />The motion was seconded by Mr. Sheeran. Motion carried. <br />The next item of business was a continuation of the variance request <br />from Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Luger to erect a six foot stockade fence on <br />their side lot line. This had been approved by the P&Z and the Council <br />on October 15, 1975 and October 28, 1975 respectively. (Refer to page <br />2, paragraphs 6-10; page 3, paragph 1 of P&Z Minutes and Page 6, paragraph <br />10 & 11 of the Council Minutes for background) <br />However, since the approval by the Council on October 28, 1975, Mr. and <br />Mrs. Francis L. Timmers who reside at 1541 LaMotte Drive, wrote a letter <br />to the Minnesota State Department of Human Rights complaining that they <br />had not been consulted about this fence and that is was in excess of what <br />City Ordinance states. (Ordinance 56, Section 4.18 A -I) <br />Mr. Luger was asked about the stat placement of this fence and stated that <br />theywere 2x4 slats with approximately 3/4" between the slats. The fence <br />is constructed so you cannot tell which side is the "poor" side of the <br />fence. Mr. Luger stated they wanted this fence as an artistic backdrop <br />for their rock garden. <br />Mr. Sheeran said the type of fence was fine but felt that it was the height <br /><f the fence that was causing the problems. <br />Mr. Marier asked if the Lugers would be willing to either drop the first <br />two section to the 3g feet as stated in the Ordinance or remove them alto- <br />gether? <br />Mr. Luger said either would be acceptable to them. <br />Mr. Marier also asked Mr. Luger if he had attached his fence to the <br />+.itility pole that is seen in the pictures he presented? <br />Mr. Luger said yes he had but he didn't feel that it was causing any <br />problems. Mr. Marier told Mr. Luger that he was in violation of the <br />law which states that no-one can attach anything to a utility pole. <br />Mr. Luger said he would take care of that right away. <br />Mr. Timmers stated they had no objection to the fence execpt for the <br />first two sections that bloced their vision when entering or leaving <br />their driveway. <br />Mr. Luger said he would rather remove the two sections than drop to 31.1. <br />Mr. Hili said that 3#' actually is no good because it imparied visibility <br />of a driver and that he felt the rock garden should be removed or moved <br />in farther off the road and it is a hazard to snow plowing. <br />After much discussion, Mr. Kelting moved to recommend to the Council <br />that the height of the first two sections or remove them entirely. <br />. Motion carried with Mr. Gourley and Mr. <br />Motion seconded by Mr. <br />441-H- voting No. <br />i <br />
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