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09/17/1975 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
09/17/1975 P&Z Minutes
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SEPTEMBER 17, 1975 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called <br />to order at 8:15 P.M. by Chairman Karth. Members present: Kelling, Gourley <br />and Shearan. Absent: Hill, Nadeau and Houle. <br />Mr. Shearan moved to accept the minutes of the August 20, 1975 meeting as <br />presented. Mr. Kelling seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Kelling moved to accept the minutes of the September 3, 1975 Special <br />Meeting as presented. Mr. Shearan seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />The first item for discussion was a request from Mr. and Mr. John Landers, <br />7181 Sunrise Avenue for a variance to Ordinance 21 A. This is a continuation <br />from the August Meeting. (Refer to August 20, 1975 P&Z Minutes, page 3, <br />paragraph 6 through Page 3, paragraph 6) <br />Mr. Landers asked if there was any time limit in which they had to apply <br />the siding to the garage as required at the August Meeting. <br />Mr. Shearan said that he felt as long as there was progress being made at <br />a steady pace the Board probably would not put a definite time limit on <br />this matter. <br />Mr. Kelling re -stated the Board's objection to the location of this garage <br />to Elm Street, which is a county road. The main concern is that cars parked <br />on the North Side onto the Country Road_ - this is not allowed and presents <br />a safety hazard. He said that he is in that neighborhood several times a <br />week and there are usually cars parked in the drive and protruding onto the <br />road. It is difficult to see around and makes driving hazardous. <br />(Mr. Hill arrived at 8:20 P.M.) <br />Mr. Gourley said that there are always cars parked on Elm Street whenever <br />he goes by there. Mr. Hill said that he almost hit a car that was backing <br />onto Elm Street and got no response from the driver when he honked the horn <br />to warn him. Mr. Hill said that not only is it illegal to back out onto a <br />County Road but that the many children in that area make this situation very <br />dangerous. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Landers said that they would not park in the drive if allowed <br />to leave their garage in its present location. Mrs. Landers pointed out <br />that they were not the only ones that park that close to Elm Street - all <br />the homes that face Elm park that way. <br />Mrs. Landers asked if something could not be done about the drainage on <br />that corner. They have had water in their basement since July. Every <br />time is rains they get more water. <br />Mr. Kelling said that this has been an unusually wet year and that many <br />homes in the Lakeview Addition have water this year that have not had <br />water for the past 20 years. <br />Mr. Hill said that the water was not the question at this time and felt <br />that the Board should get back to the problem of parking on the County <br />Road. <br />
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