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06/18/1975 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
06/18/1975 P&Z Minutes
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9/29/2017 3:29:51 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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4 <br />JUNE 18, 1975 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called <br />to order at 8:05 P.M. by Chairman Karth. Members present: Kelling, Houle, <br />Nadeau, Shearan and Gourley. Absent: Hill. Councilman Marier was also <br />present. <br />Mr. Shearan moved to approve the minutes of the May 21, 1975 as presented. <br />Motion seconded by Mr. Kelling. Motion passed. <br />Mrs. Ronald Grapp was here in her husband's place to request a Special Use <br />Permit to all Mr. Grapp to repair Volkswagons, as a full time business, at <br />their home located. at 7841 - 20th Avenue, Lino Lakes. Mr. and Mrs. Grapp <br />misunderstood the requirements and did not have the signatures of all property <br />owners within 300' of their property line. They have been asked to return to <br />the July P & Z meeting with the required information and will do so. <br />The next item of the agenda was Mr. Emil Jandric's request for a Variance <br />to Ordinance 21 A to sell Outlot K. The Engineer and the Planner had <br />forwarded their recommendations of this request. <br />Mr. Jandric is requesting some assurance from this Board that he will <br />be allowed to go ahead and sell this unit so he may go ahead and complete <br />the development of the rest of the lots. <br />After much discussion on how this lot will be put in, where the access <br />will be and whom will bane the cost of maintaining the road, Mr. Jandric <br />was asked if the particular phase of the development had ever been platted? <br />Mr. Jandric replied that it had not but that he will plat it as soon <br />as he is assured that the City will go along with him by granting the <br />variance request so he can sell the townhouse unit that exist there now <br />and get moving on the rest of that area. The townhouse until will only <br />be on one acre of land and for a piece of land to be sold that is un - <br />platted is must have 21 acres in land and 150 feet fronting on an established <br />street. (Section 3A of Ordinance 21A) <br />Mr. Jandric was also questioned on the zoning he would require on Blue <br />Heron Street and he said that he would be willing to go along with a <br />R-1 rating if that what is necessary to get moving. <br />Mr. Jandric was instructed to take the necessary steps to plat this <br />particular piece of land and then his request for a variance will be <br />considered. The requirements for platting are set forth in Ordinance <br />21, and these must be adhered to. <br />Mr. Merle Chollett was next on the agenda. He is requesting a Variance to <br />21 A to sell Z of his lot at 510 Pine Street and to build on the rear <br />portion of that same lot. His new home will require a driveway of 900', <br />500' over the current allowable driveway. Mr. Chollett has been advised <br />of the problems he can expect with such a long drive and he has agreed <br />to maintain the drive. The Planner and Engineer were asked to inspect <br />this property and make recommendations. <br />The Planner could forsee no problems with the proposed driveway as no <br />further sub -divisions are planned. He has recommended that Mr.Chollett <br />
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