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02/19/1975 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
02/19/1975 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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FEBRUARY 19, 1975 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called <br />to order at 8:05 P.M. by Chairman Karth on February 20, 1975. Members <br />present: Keiiing, Hill, Nadeau, Shearen and L'Aliier. Members absent: <br />Lombardi, Councilman Marier was also present. <br />Mr. Keiiing moved to accept the minutes of the January 15, 1975 as <br />written. Mr. Shearen seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />The first item for discussion was John Tobish and his request to park <br />a mobile home at 6192 Hodgson Road for the purpose of research and <br />development of new products for mobile homes and recreational vehicles. <br />Mr. Tobish has been ticketed with a violation of Ordinance No. 56, <br />Section 4.11 and this has gone to court and on February 7, 1975 Mr. <br />Tobish was ordered to remove the mobile home trailer from the "premises <br />known as 6192 Hodgson Road prior to April 15, 1975 or that prior to that <br />time he obtain the necessary license or permit from the City of Lino Lakes..." <br />Mr. Tobish asked if he could park his trailer there and obtain the nec- <br />essary permits so that he would not have to move and so he could begin <br />the work that he wanted to do. <br />Mr. Karth asked him what the nature of his work is and why he needed to <br />park it there rather than in an established park. <br />Mr. Tobish said that he was doing experimental work on skirting for trail- <br />ers and humidification for mobile homes and recreational vehicles. He <br />also stated that because of the nature of his work, it would be rather <br />difficult to have the trailer parked anywhere that people would have <br />access to it an any time. He said that he would be working on it on <br />weekends and perhaps into the night at times and he did not feel that a <br />mobile home park would allow this type of work to be done where it would <br />be a nuisance to any of the neighbors that he would have there. He <br />stated that he would not be living at that location and he would take the <br />stove and refrigerator out and strip the unit of all furniture to make it <br />un-lieveable. He will not have to hook up the sewer but would need <br />water only. <br />Mr. Karth then restated that the city does not allow mobile home to be <br />parked anywhere except in an established park for the specific purposes of <br />mobile homes. <br />Mr. Karth asked Mr. Tobish what type of utilities he would need there and <br />Mr. Tobish stated that he would only need water and would not need sewer <br />services. Mr. Tobish was asked if he would not need sewer service <br />to dispose of the water he would be using. He stated that he would <br />not need running water end that the only water he would need would be to <br />add water to the humidifier as needed. <br />
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