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02/19/1975 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
02/19/1975 P&Z Minutes
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9/29/2017 3:28:45 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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FEBRUARY 19, 1975 <br />-2- <br />Mr. Shearon asked if there were any other buildings on the property. <br />Mr. Tobish said, yes there was a f concrete and f wood garage that is <br />one unit and in back of that there is a smaller garage. <br />Mr. Kelting said that years ago there was a bowling pin refinishing place <br />there and it had burned down. Mr. Ketling then asked Mr. Tobish if he <br />couldn't put up a pole building and put the trailer inside it and conduct <br />his experiements inside and then there would not be a question of un - <br />s i ght I enesa .nor _wow d -441e-re•-tve- . e . <br />prObtern of -a bag- set- fbr <br />poi..yrat-ers throughout the City. <br />Mr. Tobish said that it would be too much of an expense'for him to put <br />up a building to house a 16 x 55 trailer and besides what would he do <br />with it when his work was finished there. He did not think he would be <br />able to sell it. <br />Mr. Marier then asked him how long the <br />Tobish replied since November of 1973. <br />then? Mr. Tobish replied, no only for <br />to apply for a permit. <br />Mr. Marier asked why he had not done so <br />a ticket had been issued and the matter <br />trailer had been there and Mr. <br />Mr. Marler said for two years <br />1f years and I have been waiting <br />earlier? Why did he wait until <br />went through the courts. <br />Mr. Tobish said that he went'to the Council in June and was told that he <br />had to appear before the P & Z but before he had time he got the ticket. <br />He said the matter wbnt to court and he asked for a jury trial but the <br />Judge denied a trial by jruy and instead called he and Mr. <br />Locher <br />his chambers and told Mr. Tobish that he had until April 15, 1975 tore- <br />moveit or get the permission of the City to keep it there. <br />Mr. Karth then motioned to recommend to the City Council that the request <br />of John Tobish to park a mobile home at 6192 Hodgson Road, Lino Lakes for <br />use as an experimental unit be denied in accordance with the Village <br />Ordinance No. 51, Section 4.11. Mr. Kelting seconded the motion. Motion <br />carreid unanimously. <br />Mr. Tobish then asked if he had to remove the trailer by April 15, 1975? <br />He also asked if he put up the pole building that Mr. Keiling had recom- <br />mended would he be allowed to keep the trailer there? <br />Mr. Marier reminded Mr. Tobish that the had already turned that option down <br />as not practical to you. <br />Mr. Tobish then stated that he has one other option available to him - he <br />can and will rent it to a motorcycle club for $400.00 per month. 1 <br />will move and rent it to the motorcycle club, he stated. <br />
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