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11/19/1969 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
11/19/1969 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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(1) <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Commission held on <br />November 19, 1969, was called to order at 8.O5 p.m. by Chairman McLean with <br />those present being Mr. Stanley, Mr. Jester, Mr. Karth, Mr. McLean and Mr. <br />Cardinal. Those absent were Mr. Husnik, Mr. Rehbein and Mr. Kelling. <br />Mr. Karth moved to accept the minutes of the October meeting as read. Secdnded <br />by Mr. Stanley. Carried. <br />Mr. Kelling and Mr. McLean had gone over the proposed Sign Ordinance with Naegele <br />•epresentatives and had made several changes concerning height, square footage, <br />construction material, and definitions. However, they did not wish to delete any <br />districts in the ordinance because of the fact that strictly residential and <br />commercial zoning does not cover every situation presently in the Village and <br />other situations which it is anticipated may arise in the future. <br />Mr. Karth moved to recommend to the Council the acceptance of Ordinance Number 51 <br />with the recommended changes, keeping the districts as proposed previously. Fee <br />schedules from St.. Paul, Minneapolis and the previously subnLtted fees were also <br />attached to the ordinance; fees being a Council matter. Seconded by Mr. Jester. <br />Motion carried. <br />A sample ordinance with the recommended changes was given to the Attorney for <br />transmitting to the Council. <br />At 8:3O p.m. a public hearing was held to consider the petition of Twitchell <br />Cemetery Association, Inc., for a Special Use Permit to maintain and use for a <br />cemetery, according; to lay', approximately four acres on Lilac Lane, presently <br />owned by Vernon =dahlberg, and adjoining the present Twitchell Cemetery. <br />The :Attorney showed that all legal requirements had been met. Two Cemetery Board <br />members 'were present along with Mr. and Mrs. ilahlberg. The Board members <br />stated that they wished the additional four acres to add to the present cemetery <br />for future expansion. No one in the audience or on the Planning Board objected <br />to the Special Use Permit. Mr. Locher explained the fees involved and stated <br />the Cemetery Board would receive a statement from the Clerk. <br />Mr. Stanley moved to recommend to the Council that a Special Use Permit be granted <br />to Twitchel Cemetery Association, Inc., for expansion of the present cemetery. <br />Affidavits of posting and mailing ere to be filed with the Clerk. Seconded by <br />Mr. Karth. Motion carried. The Twitchell Cemetery hearing was closed. <br />No one was present from the NW Saddle Club which had also requested a public <br />hearing this evening. Mr. Locher attempted to telephone representatives several <br />times but was unable to reach anyone. <br />In the meantime, Mr. McLean brought up the subject of temporary trailer permits. <br />Mr. McLean wanted to put some 'meat" into the ordinance so individual trailer <br />owners could not move their trailers into the Village and then come before the <br />Council and force their hand. Mr. Stanley suggested a fine be levied against <br />people who move in before obtaining a permit. Mr. McLean thought we should get <br />rid of the Building Inspector's ability to issue permits and they should be <br />issued only through the Board of Zoning and the Council. <br />
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