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12/17/1969 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
12/17/1969 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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(1) <br />The regular meeting of the Village of Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board held <br />on December 17, 1969 was called to order at 8:03 p.m. by Chairman John McLean <br />with all members present except Mr. Stanley. Mr. Cardinal was also present. <br />The minutes of November 19 were reed. Mr. Kelling moved to accept the minutes <br />as ,read. Seconded by Mr. Karth. Motion carried. <br />Mr. McLean mentioned that the special use hearings for two trailers were coming <br />up later in the meeting. He read a letter from Mr. VenHousen regarding a talk he <br />hed. had with Mr. Paul Miller of Acton Construction. He had suggested an industrial <br />park. Mr. McLean was notified prior to the meeting that Acton requests a postpone- <br />mentuntil the January meeting. <br />Mr. McLean read the letter from the Council explaining their reasons for giving <br />Ken Rehbein permits for the prefab houses. <br />Mr. Bob Foreman of Meyers Sign Service, Inc., presented applications for several <br />signs to be located along 135W and 135E. Mr. McLean noted that Mr. Locher had <br />indicated that since the Council had passed Ordinance No. 51 the P&Z could procr,..27. <br />the applications and make a recommendation to the Council. This would be veri^::.ed <br />later when Mr. Locher arrived. <br />Mr. Foreman located the signs on a map, presented architectural engineer drawings <br />and stated that all their signs were of one type structure, built to withstand 301 <br />pounds of windload, were all steel except for a wooden platform in the rear for <br />the electricians, etc. to stand on. He stated that they had had no trouble with <br />this type sign; they were sunk 8' in the ground in cement and would be a light <br />gray in color. <br />Since the drawing indicated the size to be larger than our mzximum requirement, <br />they would remove one panel in length. Mr. Foreman presented the lease agreement <br />with Mr. Herbert E. Schmuck. After some discussion it was decided that Meyers <br />would only ask for the three signs to be located on the Schmuck property and <br />would give the other applications to the Clerk to hold until a later meeting. <br />This was to be placed on the January agenda. The application for a license was <br />also left with the Clerk for the Council meeting. There was considerdble discussio: <br />on the location of the signs on the leased land; it was decided to wait until <br />Mr. Locher arrived to determine where the signs would go. <br />Mr. McLean asked Mr. Dielentheis of U. S. Lakes Development Co. to come forward. <br />Mr. Dielentheis presented 6 copies of a preliminary plat for Lakes Addition No. <br />two on the east side of Reshanau Lake. Mr. Busch commented that they felt the <br />plat concept was in line with the preliminary plan presented to the P&Z and <br />Council when they first came to us. He noted that Black Duck Drive had extra <br />width (80'); they indicated a portion of the plat which they wished zoned com- <br />mercial so that when the time came to use it they would not have a problem with <br />the people who had bought nearby homesites. There was discussion on the number <br />of cul-de-sacs and on the use of the outlots. Mr. Dielentheis pointed out where <br />the sewage plant would be and stated what the usage of this land would be after <br />the sewage plant was removed. Mr. McLean wished one copy to be sent to Mr. Van <br />Housen. Mr. Gotwald will have a report on this for the Council Monday night. <br />Mr. Rehbein pointed out that the Village does not wish to give a blanket rezoning <br />for commercial usage. Mr. Busch reiterated the necessity of having the parcel <br />designated as commercial now. Mr. Locher stated that the Council might wish to <br />rezone the property under the limited commercial amendment if Jandric would <br />designate the usage now. This could be done simultaneously with the acceptance <br />of the plat. Mr. Busch stated that they were looking forward to Feb. 1 opening <br />
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