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12/17/1969 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
12/17/1969 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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(2) <br />and hoped to make some sales by April crMay. Mr. Locher noted that they would need <br />a special use permit for the town.houses. <br />The plat is on the Council agenda for Monday night. The plat contains 49.7 acres. <br />Mr. Busch felt that they would rather contribute money than the land (about 5 acres) <br />so that the Village might use it for the development of the Lake Amelia site. He <br />felt the Village would rather have one large park than so many scattered in the <br />development --besides the golf course. <br />Mr. Cardinal replied that the Council seemed more in favor of several smaller parks <br />rather than one large one. <br />At 9:00 p.m. Mr. McLean mentioned that it was time to hear the special use applicants <br />J3+gager, it was decided to wait on this and finish the Meyers sign applications fircJ. <br />Mr. Locher stated that there was plenty of land for the signs --about 4100 feet. He <br />also stated that no mailings or special hearings were required for this type of <br />special use permit. <br />After more discussion Mr. Jester moved to recommend to the Council that Meyers S.;{ <br />Service, Inc. by granted e special use permit to erect three signs on the Herbert <br />E. Schmuck property along 135W being located in lots 6, 13, 15 and 16 (known as <br />Revised Auditor's Subdivision No. 49), Section 2 and the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of <br />Section 10; the location of sign (1) to be placed in the extreme SW corner of the <br />property within the legal setback; the location of sign (2) to be 1200' NE of (1); <br />sign (3) to be 1200' NE of (2); subject to the new fee schedule. Seconded by Mr. <br />Karth. Mr. Rehbein questioned whether the sign could be removed under the 15 -year <br />lease if new development should occur. Mr. Foreman stated that the lease contained <br />a clause making the removal of the sign automatic if development should occur. Also, <br />the annual fee for the signs and the ordinance would control this. The vote on <br />the motion was unanimous in favor. <br />The hearing for Mr. Dahl was called to order about 9:15 p.m. Mr. Locher showed the <br />affidavits were in order. Mr. Dahl stated that he only leases the property and this <br />was good until June. He had no plans to buy the property; he wanted the trailer <br />there to protect his livestock; he is living in it. Mr. Dahl presented the Clerk <br />with $100.00 toward the special use permit fees; a receipt was written. There was <br />considerable discussion with Mr. Dahl. Mr. Locher read the portion of Ord. 6 per- <br />taining to getting rent for a trailer --this would constitute a trailer park. Mr. <br />Dahl has a temporary permit; his request must be considered under the old ordinance <br />since his application was in before the new amendment was adopted. <br />Mr. Rehbein noted that Mr. Dahl violated the ordinance Plf,oby moving in without a <br />permit, also, there is no sewer and water. Mr. Dupre shouldn't have issued the <br />Oct. 13 temporary permit. The Board felt that this was no hardship case. Mr. <br />Locher stated that we needed a statement from the owner of the property that he is <br />receiving no rent for the trailer, but for the lease of the whole parcel. <br />After more discussion Mr. Husnik moved that the P&Z recommend to the Council that <br />they deny the request of Mr. Verner Dahl for a special use permit for his trailer <br />for reasons above. Seconded by Mr. Kelling. The vote was unanimously in favor. <br />Mr. Locher mentioned that the Council has now cut off the issuance of temporary <br />trailer permits by the Building Inspector. Mr. Cardinal asked Mr. Dahl if he had <br />told Mr. Dupre that he was renting the property and received an answer of no. <br />Mr. Rehbein moved that the P&Z recommend to the Council that they deny the extension <br />of a temporary trailer permit for Mr. Dahl beyond the existing 90 -day permit which <br />expires on Jan. 13, to park his trailer on the land described in the hearing notice. <br />Seconded by Mr. Husnik. Carried. <br />
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