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06/19/1974 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
06/19/1974 P&Z Minutes
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10/2/2017 3:23:31 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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Page 2 <br />The gentleman with Mr. Klemp suggested that one of the Board members <br />stop by the property and look over the operation with the possibiliity <br />of giving them suggestions as to what would be required for the issuance <br />of a special use permit. <br />Mr. Hill felt that the matter of the land and the insurance should be <br />straightened out before they reappear before the Board. Also, the land <br />they are using for a trail is private. Mr. Klemp thought this was Highway <br />property but Mr. Hill said the Highway Department does not own any land <br />beyond the fence and part of the land to the West of his property is owned <br />the School District 112. <br />Mr. Klemp said he was aware of that parcel of land that it is seeded and <br />they do not ride thorugh there. He said he had talked with his insurance <br />agent about the necessary liability insurance and had been told that even <br />with insurance there are special requirements. Horses must be saddled in <br />a special roped off area and lead out of that area before the rider can <br />mount. He must also post signs that say "Ride At Your Own Risk' in order <br />to protect himself from fraudelent lawsuits. <br />Mr. Karth was concerned that if at the present time they are using private <br />property and a rider get injured, that property owner could be sued. This <br />is why is is so important not to use private property for riding. <br />Mr. Kelling said that Mr. Klemp must own or lease enough land in order to <br />rent horses for riding. He could not consider this request with the roads <br />being used as part of the trail. Also, this Board does not have the <br />authority to grant permission for the use of private property. <br />Mr. Karth asked how much land was available? Mr. Klemp said he didn't <br />know exactly. This is something he must check. Mr. Karth felt that he <br />should have at least 80 acres for this sort of an operation. <br />Mr. L'Allier repeated that since the availability of land is in question, <br />there is no question for this Board to consider. tlr. Kelling also felt <br />that this Board could not make a recommendation until some of these <br />questions are cleared. <br />tlr. Harier felt that 1.) they will have to obtain more property - possibly <br />30 acres; 2.) it would be looked at more favorably if they owned the propety; <br />and 3.) they must,have the proper liability insurance. Plans should be <br />made so as to insure that riding on pri'vate property will be discontinued. <br />Mr. Klemp thanked the Board for their time and advice. <br />Mr. Robert Nelson appeared before the Board with a proposed development of <br />the Neff property on Lake Drive North of Main Street. He asked the Board <br />if there is any information as to the installation timetable for sewers <br />in that area. He was told that sewering that area is in the 5 year plan but <br />at the present, there is no definite answer to his question. He is talking <br />of lots sized from .9 acre to 1.4 acre per lot. His plan is for homes in <br />the $40,000.00 bracket. He questioned the installation of sewer in order <br />to avoid the installation of onsite septic systems and having to rip them <br />
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