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05/15/1974 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
05/15/1974 P&Z Minutes
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10/2/2017 3:23:32 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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May 15,1974 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was <br />called to order at 8:25 P.M. May 15, 1974. Chairman Karth was absent. <br />Vice -Chairman Shearen called the meeting to order. Members present; Hill, <br />L'Allier. Absent; Karth, Kelling, Nadeau, Rothbauer. Mr. Marier was <br />also present. <br />Due to a lack of a quorum, the minutes of the April meeting could not <br />be approved or corrected. This was tabled until June 19, 1974. The <br />people who were in attendance were informed that their questions could <br />be answered but no decisions could be made at this meeting. <br />Mr. Prokop, who owns lots in Otter Lake Hills and wishes to build on <br />these lots was here to ask what was necessary to bring that street up <br />to City codes in order for him to obtain a building permit. These lots <br />are located on Lakeview Avenue. At the present time the street only <br />exists on the plat. There has been some excavating done in the area <br />of the street, but this was done by a man hauling the soil out for fill <br />in another area. <br />It was suggested that he contact the adjoining property owners and <br />ask that the share the cost of surfacing the street. This could be <br />done either by the property owners paying the cost of having the street <br />surfaced or it could be done by special assessments against the abutting <br />lots. <br />Mr. Prokop will contact the Clerk's office for the Ordinance dealing <br />with street installation. He will also contact the other property owners <br />for their thoughts on how this can be done. He thanked the Board for <br />the information. <br />Mr. Bill Meyer of Suburban 7.ngineering, presented the Board with the <br />plans for a driveway to the townhouse units in Country Lakes. There <br />was discussion on the fact that this is a private driveway. The Board <br />felt that they woul`rather see a permanent street installed. Mr. <br />Meyer that if a permanent street is installed the utility services <br />should be installed before the surface is installed. If the services <br />aren't put in first this would this would mean tearing up the surface <br />and doing the street again thus doubling the cost. <br />The Board suggested that he look at some alternate plans and return to <br />the next Planning and Zoning Board meeting. <br />iir. Meyer said he would do this and asked the Clerk to put him on the <br />agenda for the June 19th meeting. <br />Mr. Kenneth Rehbein and Mr. Jerry Blackbird were here for information <br />dealing with the Pine Haven plat. Mr. Rehbein said that the recommenda- <br />tions of both the Engineer and the Pianner was that they only build on <br />every lot. The streets in the area will cost $32,000.00 and if they <br />can only build on every other lot, they cannot afford to complete this <br />
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